This extension has a single objective:
Keep a trace of every HTTP request that has been sent via BURP.
When I perform an assessment of a web application, it is often spread on several days/weeks and during this assessment, I use the different tools proposed by BURP (Proxy, Repeater, Intruder, Spider, Scanner...) to send many HTTP request to the target application.
Since a few months, I have met a situation that happens more and more with the time: Some time after the closure of the assessment (mission is finished and report has been delivered), the client ask this kind of question:
- Do you have evaluated this service or this URL?
- Is it you that have sent this "big request" to this service/URL on this date?
- How many requests do you have sent to the application or to this service?
- And so on...
Most of the time, I answer to the client in this way: "This is the IP used for the assessment (the IP is also in the report by the way), check the logs of your web server, web app server, WAF..." because it's up to the client to have the capacity to backtrack a stream from a specific IP address.
In the same time, I cannot give the BURP session file to the client because:
- I cannot ask to a client to buy a BURP licence just to see the session content.
- I cannot ask to a client to learn what is BURP and how to use BURP.
- Requests send via Intruder/Repeater/Spider/Scanner are not kept in the session log.
So, I have decided to write this extension in order to keep the information of any HTTP request sends in a SQLIte database that I can give to the client along the report and let him dig into the DB via SQL query to answer his questions and, in the same time, have a proof/history of all requests send to the target application...
Once loaded, the extension ask the user to choose the target database file (location and name) to use for the SQLite database or to continue using the current defined file in the previous session.
Regarding the file name to use, there no constraint applied on it but I recommend to use a file with the .db
extension to facilitate the usage with a SQLite client for exploration operations.
After, the extension silently records every HTTP request send during the BURP session.
There is an option to restrict the logging to the requests that are included into the defined target scope (BURP tab Target > Scope):
There is an option to exclude the logging of the requests that target images (check is not case sensitive):
The list of supported file extensions is here.
There is an option to log also the response content, in raw, associated to a request. By default, this option is disabled.
There is an option to pause the logging (re-click on the menu to resume the logging):
When the logging is paused then when Burp is restarted, it keep in mind that the logging was previously paused and then reflect the state in the menu:
Otherwise, when Burp is started and logging was not previously paused then the following options are proposed:
There is an option to change the DB file during a Burp working session:
There is an option to obtain statistics about the information logged in the database:
Use the following command and the JAR file will be located in folder build/lib:
$ gradlew clean fatJar
The goal dependencyCheckAnalyze
can be used to verify if one of the dependencies used contains CVE.
Use the command line option -PodcGradlePluginVersion=x.x.x
to specify a specific version of the OWASP Dependency Check Grable plugin
$ gradlew -PodcGradlePluginVersion=3.2.1 dependencyCheckAnalyze
See the Actions section.
The extension is referenced here.
Procedure kindly provided by the PortSwigger support:
- BApp Author commits fixes/updates to the master repository.
- Once BApp Author is happy that updates need to be pushed to the BApp store, the Author creates a pull request so changes can be merged into the forked repository:
righettod wants to merge xx commits into PortSwigger:master from righettod:master
- BApp Author notifies PortSwigger support that changes need to be merged, support staff reviews changes and then accepts pull request so the changes are merged.
- BApp is then compiled from the forked repository version and then pushed to the BApp store.
- Task list to complete it.
- Update all dependencies.
- Add logging of the HTTP response.
- Huge thanks to @seckek for his PR 🏅.
- Upgrade
library to the latest available. - Fix a bug during extension loading preventing it to crash if the stored DB file do not exist anymore.
- Add the capacity to pause the logging during a Burp working session - Issue #9.
- Add the capacity to change the DB file during a Burp working session - Issue #10.
- Upgrade the version of the third party library used to handle the work with the SQLite DB in order to fix exposure to CVE-2018-20505.
- Upgrade the version of the third party library used to handle the work with the SQLite DB in order to fix exposure to CVE-2018-20346.
- Add new stats and update display:
- Add the size of the biggest request sent.
- Add the maximal number of requests sent by second.
- Review stats display to dynamically adapt data amount in KB, MB or GB.
- Fix the bug described in issue #5.
- Add statistics about the DB content.
- Allow the user to select the DB location and file name.
- Fix the bug described in issue #4.
- Add option to exclude image from logging.
- Prepare and finalize publishing of the extension to the BAppStore.
- Add the option to restrict the logging to the requests that are included into the defined target scope.
- Creation of the extension and initial release.