Backend - Simple Crud Book with expressjs and mysql
No | API Route | Method | Description | Request | Response |
1. | {url}/books/get/books | GET | Get all books | - | Status 200, Get All Books |
2. | {url}/books/create-book | POST | Create a book | { author, title, tahun.dibuat, tahun.diterbitkan } | Status 200 |
3. | {url}/books/update-book/:id | PUT | Update a book | { id, author, title, tahun.dibuat, tahun.diterbitkan } | Status 200, result |
4. | {url}/books/show-book/:id | GET | Show a book | { id } | Status 200, result |
5. | {url}/books/delete-book/:id | DELETE | Delete a book | { id } | Status 200 |
6. | {url}/books/upload | POST | Upload Image Book | { image } | Status 200, result |
βΉ Quickstart template from joeythelantern