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Myna edited this page Nov 10, 2024 · 4 revisions

Quick Start

cd /tmp
git clone -b develop
cd ifhany
$VISUAL .env

Configure the following values in your .env file:


TOKEN = "<token>"
CLIENT_ID = "<client_id>"
GUILD_ID = "<development_guild_id>"
LOCALE = "<locale>"
TZ = "<tz>"


BOT_INVITE = "<bot_invite>"

So, you can run she!

yarn dev

This command will start ifhany in two containers: ifhany_app (for nodejs) and ifhany_db (for mongodb). That's all you need. Open another terminal and use docker restart ifhany_app if the code changes. If you want to clean up the db, close everything and use docker rm ifhany_db and then yarn dev.

A little trick

If you are using Dockerfile with mongodb, a good approach is to install mongodb-compass and open it to see graphically what is happening. You just need to change the ifhany_db host to use the correct ip, here is a useful command for this purpose:

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' ifhany_db
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