Releases: riklewis/php-include-html
Releases · riklewis/php-include-html
Fixed Travis CI config
Updated dev dependencies
Also fixed deprecation issues with Buffer and sinon.sandbox
Updated dependencies and dev-dependencies
1.4.4 1.4.4
Updated dependencies and dev-dependencies
1.4.3 1.4.3
Updated dependencies and dev-dependencies
1.4.2 Update dependencies and dev-dependencies
Updated dependencies and dev-dependencies
1.4.1 Updated dev-dependencies
Updated dependencies and dev-dependencies
1.4 Updated dev dependancies
Updated README to create separate donation section
Updated README to create separate donation section.
Also removed Gratipay, replaced with PayPal and LiberaPay.
Updated readme and dev dependencies
Updated readme and dev dependencies
I also re-wrote the code to handles the contents as a string instead of a Vinyl file in order to try and fix a bug, but it turned out the bug wasn't in this plugin but "gulp-sri-hash". This re-write has had no affect on the functionality.
Oh, I've also added some tests for the recursive nature of the includes.
Added tests to bring coverage up to 100%
1.2.2 Added tests to bring coverage up to 100%