Website Scanner can scan a website for broken links and search for specific strings and/or files with the help of multiple concurrently running web crawlers.
- GUI based.
- AutoSaves progress every 2 minutes.
- Extracts and saves domain registration information of the site.
- Left Click any URL shown in output to open it and Right Click to copy it.
- Activity Logging
- Automatically download searched file.
- Downloading can be resumed if supported by the site.
- Multiple instances support.
- Shows warning when an instance tries to start a project which is already run by another instance.
- Shows Current Session and All Sessions statistics.
- Four output panes in can be resized by user.
- Waits for all crawlers to stop before exit.
- Python 3 - External libraries required:
- Requests - Requests allows you to send HTTP/1.1 requests.
- bs4 - Beautiful Soup sits atop an HTML or XML parser, providing Pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying the parse tree.
- validators - Python Data Validation for Humans™.
- robotexclusionrulesparser - A robots.txt parser for python.
- tld - Extract the top level domain (TLD) from the URL given.
- python-whois - Whois querying and parsing of domain registration information.
- Must be connected to internet.
- Must have enough space to store the data files and requested files. (Space required depends on the website which is to be scanned and options selected by user.)
# clone repo
git clone
# change directory
cd Website-Scanner
# install pipenv
pip install --user --upgrade pipenv
# install environment
pipenv install
# run shell
pipenv shell
# run program
- Save Directory - directory in which data is saved
- Start Url - homepage of website
- User Agent - name of bot (will be used to find if sites gives access to user or not as per robots.txt)
- Search String - search string in a webpage
- Search File - search in file name of files stored on website
- Chunk Size - chunk of data requested per iteration when files are downloading given that site supports resume header
- Connection Timeout - if no response is received from website within this time, timeout error will be raised
- Default Delay - if website defines no rule for crawling time delay(in robots.txt), default delay given will be used
- Number of Crawlers - number of concurrently running crawlers.
- Current Session Statistics: It consists of timer, number of crawled urls, number of waiting urls, number of bad/invalid urls number of files found, and number of strings found in current session only.
- All Sessions Statistics: It consists of timer, number of crawled urls, number of waiting urls, number of bad/invalid urls, number of files found, and number of strings found until that time.
- Main Window: Shows current urls crawling and other status.
- Searched String Window: Shows searched string with URL of page on which they are found.
- Invalid urls window: Shows Invalid urls found on website with error.
- Searched files window: Shows searched file with URL of page on which they are found.
Website Scanner comprises of following files:-
- – contains MainMenu class that takes input from user.
- – contains file related functions.
- – contains CrawlerFiles class that has info about the data files of scanner and functions to read/write them.
- – contains URL related functions.
- – contains ScrolledLinks class which is a scrollable text box in which links are automatically formatted.
- – contains a Timer class.
- – contains Crawler class which crawls a website.
- – contains a WebsiteScanner class which utilizes multiple crawlers to crawl website with the help of multithreading.
- Command Line Interface support.
- Help and usage file.
- Option to select type of search case sensitive or insensitive.
- Option to only store links of searched file, not download automatically.
- Option to pause/resume/stop file download.
- Option to recheck invalid urls.
- Option to restrict crawl depth.
- Option to exclude certain parts of website e.g.*.
- Option to set log file settings.
- Regex mode for searching and exclusion.