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Study Notion is a Ed-Tech platform which is fully functional and interactive web page made using MERN STACK Technolgies.

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StudyNotion is a fully functional ed-tech platform that enables users to create, consume, and rate educational content. The platform is built using the MERN stack, which includes ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, and ExpressJS.

StudyNotion aims to provide:

  • A seamless and interactive learning experience for students, making education more accessible and engaging.
  • A platform for instructors to showcase their expertise and connect with learners across the globe.

Table of Contents

  1. System Architecture
  2. Front-end
  3. Back-end
  4. API Design
  5. Deployment
  6. Installation
  7. Configuration
  8. Usage
  9. Screenshots
  10. Future Enhancements

System Architecture

The StudyNotion ed-tech platform consists of three main components: the front end, the back end, and the database. The platform follows a client-server architecture, with the front end serving as the client and the back end and database serving as the server.

Architecture Diagram

studynotion archii


The front end of the platform is built using ReactJS, which allows for the creation of dynamic and responsive user interfaces. The front end communicates with the back end using RESTful API calls.

Front-end Pages

For Students:

  • Homepage: Brief introduction to the platform, links to the course list and user details.
  • Course List: List of all available courses, with descriptions and ratings.
  • Wishlist: Displays courses added to the wishlist.
  • Cart Checkout: Allows users to complete course purchases.
  • Course Content: Displays course content, including videos and other materials.
  • User Details: Account details including name, email, etc.
  • User Edit Details: Allows students to edit account details.

For Instructors:

  • Dashboard: Overview of instructor's courses, ratings, and feedback.
  • Insights: Detailed insights into course views, clicks, etc.
  • Course Management Pages: Create, update, delete courses, manage content and #.
  • View and Edit Profile Details: View and edit account details.

Tools and Libraries

  • Frameworks/Libraries: ReactJS, CSS, Tailwind, Redux
  • Development Environment: VSCode


  • axios: For making HTTP requests.
  • chart.js: For data visualization.
  • concurrently: To run multiple commands concurrently during development.
  • copy-to-clipboard: For copying text to the clipboard.
  • react-dom: For building and rendering the user interface.
  • react-dropzone: For handling file uploads.
  • react-hook-form: For managing form state.
  • react-hot-toast: For displaying toast notifications.
  • react-icons: For including icons in the project.
  • react-otp-input: For handling OTP inputs.
  • react-rating-stars-component: For displaying rating stars.
  • react-redux and redux-toolkit: For state management.
  • react-router-dom: For routing within the application.
  • react-scripts: For running React scripts.
  • react-super-responsive-table: For making tables responsive.
  • react-type-animation: For adding type animation effects.
  • swiper: For implementing sliders.
  • video-react: For embedding video players.


The back end is built using NodeJS and ExpressJS, with MongoDB as the primary database. The platform uses a monolithic architecture.

Features and Functionalities

  1. User Authentication and Authorization: Email and password authentication, OTP verification, forgot password.
  2. Course Management: Create, read, update, delete courses; manage course content and media.
  3. Payment Integration: Razorpay integration for payment handling.
  4. Cloud-based Media Management: Cloudinary for media content.
  5. Markdown Formatting: Course content stored in Markdown format.

Tools and Libraries

  • Frameworks/Libraries: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, JWT, Bcrypt, Mongoose

Data Models and Database Schema

  • Student Schema: Fields include name, email, password, and course details.
  • Instructor Schema: Fields include name, email, password, and course details.
  • Course Schema: Fields include course name, description, instructor details, and media content.


  • bcryptjs: For hashing passwords.
  • cloudinary: For handling image and video uploads.
  • cookie-parser: For parsing cookies.
  • cors: For enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
  • crypto-random-string: For generating random strings.
  • dotenv: For loading environment variables.
  • express: For creating the server and handling routes.
  • express-fileupload: For handling file uploads.
  • jsonwebtoken: For generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens.
  • mongoose: For interacting with MongoDB.
  • node-schedule: For scheduling tasks.
  • nodemailer: For sending emails.
  • nodemon: For automatically restarting the server during development.
  • otp-generator: For generating OTP codes.
  • razorpay: For integrating payment processing with Razorpay.

API Design

The platform's API follows the REST architectural style and is implemented using NodeJS and ExpressJS. It uses JSON for data exchange.

Sample API Endpoints and Their Functionalities

  1. POST /api/auth/#: Create a new user account.
  2. POST /api/auth/#: Log in using existing credentials and generate a JWT token.
  3. POST /api/auth/verify-otp: Verify the OTP sent to the user's registered email.
  4. POST /api/auth/forgot-password: Send an email with a password reset link.
  5. GET /api/courses: Get a list of all available courses.
  6. GET /api/courses/:id: Get details of a specific course by ID.
  7. POST /api/courses: Create a new course.
  8. PUT /api/courses/:id: Update an existing course by ID.


The deployment process involves hosting the application on various cloud-based services.

Hosting Environment and Infrastructure

  • Front End: Deployed using Vercel.
  • Back End: Hosted on Render.
  • Media Files: Hosted on Cloudinary.
  • Database: Hosted on MongoDB Atlas.


To install the StudyNotion platform, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd Study-Notion-EdTech-main
  3. Install backend dependencies:
    cd server && npm install
  4. Install frontend dependencies:
    cd .. && npm install


  1. Set up a MongoDB database and obtain the connection URL.

  2. Set up Mail pass and Mail Port from Gmail.

  3. Set up a Razorpay account and obtain the key, secret.

  4. Get jwt secret.

  5. Set up a Cloudinary account and obtain cloud name, API key, and API secret.

  6. Create a .env file in the Server directory with the following environment variables:

  7. Create a .env file in the root folder and add:

  8. Change the CORS allow origin in index.js inside the Server directory to the localhost or backend URL you are using.


  1. Open a new terminal
  2. Run the dev script:
    npm run dev
  3. Access the application in your browser at http://localhost:3000



studynotion homeeeeeee

Future Enhancements

  1. Gamification Features: Increase user engagement with badges, points, and leaderboards.
  2. Personalized Learning Paths: Tailor learning paths based on student interests and learning styles.
  3. Social Learning Features: Enable group discussions, peer-to-peer feedback, and collaborative projects.
  4. Mobile App: Improve accessibility and reach with a mobile app.
  5. Machine Learning-powered Recommendations: Provide personalized course recommendations.
  6. Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Integration: Enhance learning experience with immersive technology.