Developing a generator the creates employee team information based on user input and desire.
- Build a Node.js command-line application that takes in information about employees on a software engineering team, then generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person.
- Write a unit test for every part of your code and ensure that it passes each test.
- Generate a webpage that displays team's basic info that I have quick access to their emails and GitHub profiles
- WHEN prompted for team members and their information, an HTML file is generated that displays formatted team roster based on user input
- WHEN an email address in the HTML is clicked on, then the default email program opens and populates the TO field of the email with the address
- WHEN the GitHub username is clicked on, then that GitHub profile opens in a new tab
- WHEN the application is started, THEN a prompt to enter the team manager’s name, employee ID, email address, and office number is given
- WHEN the team manager’s name, employee ID, email address, and office number ar entered, then a menu with the option to add an engineer or an intern or to finish building my team is presented.
- WHEN the engineer option is selected, THEN a prompt to enter the engineer’s name, ID, email, and GitHub username is given, and redirected back to the menu
- WHEN the intern option is selected, THEN a prompt to enter the intern’s name, ID, email, and school is given, and redirected back to the menu
- WHEN finishing the building of the team, THEN the application is exited, and the HTML is generated
- The application should use Jest and Inquirer