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MCRA Core is an open source collection of models in the Monte Carlo Risk Assessment (MCRA) platform. These models can be run as actions independently using a command-line interrface (CLI) or, more conveniently, by using the MCRA web application of which the most recent version can be found at The core contains all the modules that are available in the MCRA web application, like for example methods to calculate exposures, hazards and risk assessment. For a complete overview of all available modules see the modular design documentation.

MCRA Core comes with a command-line (CLI) utility mcra.exe, to run a selection of modules for your own study. You can either download the binaries or build the library and the CLI utility from the source files.

Table of Contents


  • Source code available for all modules of the MCRA web application.
  • CLI utility to run an action.
  • The output results are provided as data files in CSV format for further processing, and in addition an HTML overview page with all the images in SVG format.

Supported platforms

MCRA Core is available for 64-bit Windows.

Supported Operating System

Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022

Running the CLI utility

The current release of the CLI utility of MCRA Core is available as download from Github ( or can be built from the sources.

The most basic usage is to specify a zip file for the action that you want to compute. In a terminal window, e.g. PowerShell or the command prompt, run the command:

  mcra.exe run '<name_of_action>.zip' --dbType csv

The command line option dbType specifies that the input data files in the zip file are in CSV file format. For other possible command-line options, use the help command:

  mcra.exe help run

This will output a result similar to (exact details maybe different, depending on the version of the CLi utility),

  -o, --output                Output folder.
  --overwrite                 (Default: false) Overwrite existing output.
  --skipreport                (Default: false) Don't render report.
  --skiptables                (Default: false) Don't generate tables.
  --skipcharts                (Default: false) Don't generate charts.
  --keeptempfiles             (Default: false) Keep temp files.
  -r, --randomseed            Use this value as the Monte Carlo random seed for the project.
  -i, --interactive           (Default: false) Set to run in interactive mode.
  -s, --silent                (Default: false) Set to run in silent mode.
  --dbType                    (Default: Csv) Database type.
  --help                      Display this help screen.
  --version                   Display version information.
  Task input file (pos. 0)    Required. Input file containing the simulation task to be processed.

The CLI utility creates the output files in a subfolder with the name of the zip file, in the .\Outputs folder in the location where the CLI command is run.


In this example, an action as zip file has been composed that defines a concentration model with focal measurement replacement of clothianidin on potatoes and a prospective occurrence percentage of 40%. This action can be run by the command:

  mcra.exe run 'Val-Single Value Risk' --dbType csv

The full HTML report is located in folder .\Outputs\Val-Single Value Risk adjustment\Out-Release--<run_id>\Report_Report.html. It contains all information on action inputs, the results for the sub-actions, and for the main single value risk action, as tables and images. The associated CSV data files are in the same subfolder.

Build from source code

Instructions on how to build the CLI utility from the source code are described in the file.

User documentation

A full description of all the modules and their relations can be found online at Here you can find information on the input, the calculation settings, and the results for each module. For many modules, a theoretical foundation is provided to corroborate the MCRA Core implemention of the calculations.


MCRA Core is developed by Wageningen University & Research, Biometris for RIVM (2024)
Copyright © 2024 RIVM