A medica team chat web app where doctors or other hospital staff can create channel of repective medical departments and take part in discussion through chat
The project is live on the web and the link is: https://medical-team-pager.netlify.app/
- User can create an account or login from the home page.
- If you are new then create an account by filling the form.
- Else User can login by registered emailId and correct password
- After logging or signning up user will be navigated to the chatroom where all the channels and personal chats are shown
- USers can create their own channels or search up a channel and join the conversation
- Here you can send messages, documents, emojis and much more
- Reply and react to someone's chat is also one of the functionalities of this web app
- Client:
- Server
Stream API
Twilio for SMS Notification
I hope you enjoyed and liked my project, please reach out to me for any feedback and complaints through