Gradle Plugin to add runtime dependencies for your favorite database
Often times the database that you use in production is not the same database that you use on your desktop due to the hassle of running a production representative database locally. Many developers fix this problem by just including both jdbc drivers in the gradle dependency. This is (somewhat) wasteful and could also lead to driver conflicts.
The WithDB plugin allows for the engineer to insert the gradle runtime dependency dynamically using your favorite gradle dependencies.
In your build.gradle file, make sure to include this Plugin
plugins { id 'java' id 'rkennel.withdb' version '1.0.0' }
Then just add your favorite db to your gradle script. For example, to use MySQL.
./gradlew bootRun withMySql
Note: order of gradle tasks does not matter.
- H2 - withH2
- MySQL - withMySql
- Postgresql - withPostgres
- Micrsoft SQL Server - withMsSql
- SQLite - withSqlite
- MongoDB - withMongo
- MariaDB - withMaria
- Oracle - withOracle
- DB2 -withDb2
- Google Cloud SQL (MySQL) - withGoogleMySql
- Google Cloud SQL (Postgres) - withGooglePostgres
- Google Spanner - withGoogleSpanner
- Google BigQuery - withGoogleBigQuery