- Time-Series Forecasting
- Linear Regression Forecasting
- The time_series_analysis.ipynb and regression_analysis.ipynb files (open in Jupyter Lab) for code details.
- Decomposition using a Hodrick-Prescott Filter (Decompose the Settle price into trend and noise)
- Forecasting Returns using an ARMA Model
- Forecasting the Settle Price using an ARIMA Model
- Forecasting Volatility with GARCH
- Based on your time series analysis, would you buy the yen now?
- Is the risk of the yen expected to increase or decrease?
- Based on the model evaluation, would you feel confident in using these models for trading?
Answer: No, I would not buy the yen now. The forecast above is showing that volatility is going to increase over the next 5 days. The risk will increase since volatility is forecasted to go up at each horizon. I would feel confident in the model as it can predict volatility, which can support a decision to buy or sell depending on the data output. In this case, the model is predicting higher volatility which supports my decision not to buy yen at this time.
- Data Preparation
- Fitting a Linear Regression Model
- Making predictions using the testing data
- Out-of-sample performance
- In-sample performance
Does this model perform better or worse on out-of-sample data compared to in-sample data?
- Out-of-sample RMSE: 0.415
- In-sample RMSE: 0.596
Answer: Typically, in-sample error will be lower than out-of-sample error; however, in this case, the in-sample error was 0.596, which is HIGHER than the out-of-sample error of 0.415. This means that the model performed better on out-of-sample data compared to in-sample data.