A CHIP-8 emulator for the Neovim Video Computer System.
Open a Telescope ROM picker for given directory:
:CHIP8Open <rom-dir>
Open a Telescope ROM picker with customised options:
:lua require("chip8")["open-picker"]("chip-8/games/dir", {keys="1234qwfparstzxcd"})
Supported options:
: contiguous string describing the CHIP-8 key pad, each set of 4 characters is one row. Defaults to1234qwerasdfzxcv
: Mhz of the machine, defaults to 0.5 (500hz).compatibility
, defaults toCHIP-8
The emulator should be CHIP-8 compatible, SUPER-CHIP and XO-CHIP compatibility is incomplete as the emulator does not support video planes or scrolling but passes other tests from the Timendus/chip8-test-suite.
CHIP-8 games can be wonky and are not always clear which versions they expect to run under, or can just be outright broken.