Just a simple Java EE Blog tested with OpenEJB and Arquillian.
JeBlog is configured to run self-contained, within the project, on embedded Apache TomEE.
To begin, build the application and run the tests:
mvn package
Next, launch the application into an embedded Apache TomEE instance:
mvn tomee:run
The first time you run this command, Maven will need to download all the necessary dependencies.
Once you see the following line in the console, you'll know JeBlog is up and running:
INFO - Server startup
Visit http://localhost:8080 to see the home page of the application.
To make a new post, first # using these credentials:
- username: jeblog
- password: p@ssword
These settings are configured in src/main/tomee/conf/tomee.xml
After signing in, you can write your blog post in AsciiDoc, Markdown or HTML. AsciiDoc is the default choice, powered by Asciidoctor.