Instead, please use this driver:
Which has support for both Macchina's M2 and A0 adapters
Passthru API (j2534) Driver for Macchina M2 Under the dash
- Driver registration
- Driver calling from userspace application
- Logging
- ISO15765
- ISO1941
- Works on Win7+ (x86 and x64) - Windows XP may work, but untested
- Follow the guide here to get Arduino IDE setup to receive the arduino sketch
- Install Visual studio with C++ support in order to build the DLL
- Run installer/install.bat
- Compile the driver module, copy the compiled dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\macchina\passthru\
- Open the macchina directory in arduino IDE and upload to M2 UTD
- IMPORTANT: Set the Macchina M2 as COM12 in device manager! (Currently its hard coded in the dll but i have plans to change that)
- Select "Macchina-Passthru" as your J2534 device
Log file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\macchina\passthru\activity.log
It is suggested for now to use WSL to tail the log file to get live data