This Windows Powershell script ensures the RNDRclient.exe (RNDR) is running at all time and allows to start/shutdown an alternative workload (Dual) when the client signals it is idle.
Before starting the watchdog please edit the user config file: RNDR_Watchdog_Userconfig.ini
For the dual workload to work properly you need to set the correct values for DualLauchCommand, DualProcessName in the user config file. If the software you want to use besides RNDR features a web API you can set the value DualWebAPIShutdownCommand accordingly. If not you should leave that value blank.
The RNDR client application rndrclient.exe needs to be in the same folder as the watchdog.
To launch the watchdog please doubleclick the batch file RNDR_Watchdog_START.bat
If you want to Autostart the Watchdog with Windows, create a shortcut to RNDR_Watchdog_START.bat and run the command shell:startup to copy the shortcut into your computer's startup folder.
This project has been implemented using T-Rex crypto mining software and crypto mining pool Ethermine. See and for downloads and configuration.
The project will not be maintained on a regular basis and the author is not a professional developer.