rcis is the scheme to x64 compiler, it based on Indiana university's compiler courses, using nanopass compiler framework and chezscheme
;; Program → Exp
;; Exp → var
;; | constant
;; | 'Datum
;; | (quote Datum)
;; | (define var Exp)
;; | (define (var var*) Exp)
;; | (if Exp Exp)
;; | (if Exp Exp Exp)
;; | (begin Exp* Exp)
;; | (let ([uvar Exp]*) Exp)
;; | (letrec ([uvar Exp]*) Exp)
;; | (letrec* ([uvar Exp]*) Exp)
;; | (lambda (uvar*) Exp)
;; | (ccall string Exp*)
;; | (prim Exp*)
;; | (Exp Exp* )
;; Datum → immediate
;; | (Datum . Datum)
;; | #(Datum*)
;; | #&Datum
;; prim → + - * / mod div logand logor sra ash
;; | <= < = > >=
;; | boolean? eq? fixnum? procedure? box? pair? null? vector? string?
;; | cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr!
;; | box unbox set-box!
;; | make-vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set!
;; | void display newline read
, GNU Make
, GCC(version>=5)
, ChezScheme
$ make
if failed on using the protable ChezScheme, you need to install the ChezScheme and type
$ make install
If success it will display:
* configure options.ss...ok
* booting file...ok
* produce executable...ok
Executable at boot/rcis
and rcis will be compiled into boot directory.
alias the rcis in your .bashrc or .zshrc ... etc
- Compile with C: (in example directory)
-o <output> <scheme-file> <c-files>*
$ rcis -o prog change.ss change.c
$ ./prog
- Get more information
$ rcis --help
- Check file can be compiled
$ make test-all
- Compare the rcis result with chezscheme result
$ make test-driver
The main reference comes from yscheme