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Implement feature state
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davor-bauk-sh committed Feb 26, 2025
1 parent 0bc1935 commit d1dfeb2
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Showing 14 changed files with 838 additions and 314 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.mapview
import com.facebook.react.bridge.Promise
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactApplicationContext
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableArray
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableMap
import com.facebook.react.bridge.WritableMap
import com.facebook.react.bridge.WritableNativeMap
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.NativeMapViewModuleSpec
Expand All @@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.utils.ViewRefTag
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.utils.ViewTagResolver
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.utils.extensions.toCoordinate
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.utils.extensions.toScreenCoordinate
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.utils.extensions.toValueHashMap

class NativeMapViewModule(context: ReactApplicationContext, val viewTagResolver: ViewTagResolver) : NativeMapViewModuleSpec(context) {
private fun withMapViewOnUIThread(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,6 +160,44 @@ class NativeMapViewModule(context: ReactApplicationContext, val viewTagResolver:

override fun setFeatureState(
viewRef: ViewRefTag?,
featureId: String,
state: ReadableMap,
sourceId: String,
sourceLayerId: String?,
promise: Promise
) {
withMapViewOnUIThread(viewRef, promise) {
it.setFeatureState(featureId, state.toValueHashMap(), sourceId, sourceLayerId, createCommandResponse(promise))

override fun getFeatureState(
viewRef: ViewRefTag?,
featureId: String,
sourceId: String,
sourceLayerId: String?,
promise: Promise
) {
withMapViewOnUIThread(viewRef, promise) {
it.getFeatureState(featureId, sourceId, sourceLayerId, createCommandResponse(promise))

override fun removeFeatureState(
viewRef: ViewRefTag?,
featureId: String,
stateKey: String?,
sourceId: String,
sourceLayerId: String?,
promise: Promise
) {
withMapViewOnUIThread(viewRef, promise) {
it.removeFeatureState(featureId, stateKey, sourceId, sourceLayerId, createCommandResponse(promise))

override fun querySourceFeatures(
viewRef: ViewRefTag?,
sourceId: String,
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -34,20 +34,24 @@ import
import com.mapbox.maps.logE
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.attribution.attribution
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.compass.compass
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.delegates.listeners.*
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.gestures.*
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.logo.logo
import com.mapbox.maps.plugin.scalebar.scalebar
import com.mapbox.maps.toCameraOptions
import com.mapbox.maps.viewannotation.ViewAnnotationManager
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.R
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.AbstractMapFeature
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.RemovalReason
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.annotation.RNMBXMarkerView
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.annotation.RNMBXMarkerViewManager
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.annotation.RNMBXPointAnnotation
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.annotation.RNMBXPointAnnotationCoordinator
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.images.ImageManager
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.images.RNMBXImages
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.location.LocationComponentManager
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.location.RNMBXNativeUserLocation
Expand All @@ -64,17 +68,11 @@ import
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.utils.*
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.utils.extensions.toReadableArray
import java.util.*

import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.annotation.RNMBXPointAnnotationCoordinator
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.components.images.ImageManager

import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.v11compat.event.*
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.v11compat.feature.*
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.v11compat.mapboxmap.*
import com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.v11compat.ornamentsettings.*
import org.json.JSONException
import org.json.JSONObject
import java.util.*
import org.json.*

fun <T> MutableList<T>.removeIf21(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean {
var removed = false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1097,6 +1095,50 @@ open class RNMBXMapView(private val mContext: Context, var mManager: RNMBXMapVie

fun setFeatureState(
featureId: String,
state: HashMap<String, Value>,
sourceId: String,
sourceLayerId: String?,
response: CommandResponse
) {
mapView.getMapboxMap().setFeatureState(sourceId, sourceLayerId, featureId, Value.valueOf(state))
response.success { }

fun getFeatureState(
featureId: String,
sourceId: String,
sourceLayerId: String?,
response: CommandResponse
) {
mapView.getMapboxMap().getFeatureState(sourceId, sourceLayerId, featureId) { expected ->
if (expected.isValue) {
response.success {
val state = expected.value!!.contents
if (state is Map<*,*>) {
it.putMap("featureState", writableMapOf(* { it.key to it.value}.toTypedArray()))
} else {
it.putMap("featureState", Arguments.createMap())
} else {

fun removeFeatureState(
featureId: String,
stateKey: String?,
sourceId: String,
sourceLayerId: String?,
response: CommandResponse
) {
mapView.getMapboxMap().removeFeatureState(sourceId, sourceLayerId, featureId, stateKey)
response.success { }

fun match(layer: Layer, sourceId:String, sourceLayerId: String?) : Boolean {
fun match(actSourceId: String, actSourceLayerId: String?) : Boolean {
return (actSourceId == sourceId && ((sourceLayerId == null) || (sourceLayerId == actSourceLayerId)))
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ open class ViewTagResolver(val context: ReactApplicationContext) {
try {
val view = manager.resolveView(viewTag)

list.forEach { it.fn(view) }
list.forEach { view?.let { itView -> it.fn(view) } }
} catch (err: IllegalViewOperationException) {
list.forEach { it.reject?.reject(err) }
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Expand Up @@ -3,19 +3,36 @@ package com.rnmapbox.rnmbx.utils
import com.facebook.react.bridge.Arguments
import com.facebook.react.bridge.WritableArray
import com.facebook.react.bridge.WritableMap
import com.mapbox.bindgen.Value

fun writableMapOf(vararg values: Pair<String, *>): WritableMap {
fun writableMapOf(vararg values: Pair<*, *>): WritableMap {
val map = Arguments.createMap()
for ((key, value) in values) {
if (key !is String) continue;
when (value) {
null -> map.putNull(key)
is Boolean -> map.putBoolean(key, value)
is Double -> map.putDouble(key, value)
is Int -> map.putInt(key, value)
is Long -> map.putInt(key, value.toInt())
is String -> map.putString(key, value)
is Map<*,*> -> map.putMap(key, writableMapOf(* { it.key to it.value }.toTypedArray()))
is Array<*> -> map.putArray(key, writableArrayOf(*{it as Any}.toTypedArray()))
is WritableMap -> map.putMap(key, value)
is WritableArray -> map.putArray(key, value)
is Value -> {
val contents = value.contents
when (contents) {
null -> map.putNull(key)
is Boolean -> map.putBoolean(key, contents)
is Double -> map.putDouble(key, contents)
is Int -> map.putInt(key, contents)
is Long -> map.putInt(key, contents.toInt())
is String -> map.putString(key, contents)
is WritableMap -> map.putMap(key, contents)
is WritableArray -> map.putArray(key, contents)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value type ${} for key [$key]")
Expand All @@ -32,8 +49,25 @@ fun writableArrayOf(vararg values: Any): WritableArray {
is Int -> array.pushInt(value)
is Long -> array.pushInt(value.toInt())
is String -> array.pushString(value)
is Map<*,*> -> array.pushMap(writableMapOf(* { it.key to it.value }.toTypedArray()))
is Array<*> -> array.pushArray(writableArrayOf(*{ it as Any }.toTypedArray()))
is WritableMap -> array.pushMap(value)
is WritableArray -> array.pushArray(value)
is Value -> {
val contents = value.contents
when (contents) {
null -> array.pushNull()
is Boolean -> array.pushBoolean(contents)
is Double -> array.pushDouble(contents)
is Int -> array.pushInt(contents)
is Long -> array.pushInt(contents.toInt())
is String -> array.pushString(contents)
is Map<*,*> -> array.pushMap(writableMapOf(* { it.key to it.value }.toTypedArray()))
is Array<*> -> array.pushArray(writableArrayOf(*{it as Any}.toTypedArray()))
is WritableMap -> array.pushMap(contents)
is WritableArray -> array.pushArray(contents)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value type ${}")
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactMethod;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactModuleWithSpec;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableArray;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableMap;
import com.facebook.react.turbomodule.core.interfaces.TurboModule;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,6 +84,18 @@ public NativeMapViewModuleSpec(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {
public abstract void clearData(@Nullable Double viewRef, Promise promise);

public abstract void setFeatureState(@Nullable Double viewRef, String featureId, ReadableMap state, String sourceId, @Nullable String sourceLayerId, Promise promise);

public abstract void getFeatureState(@Nullable Double viewRef, String featureId, String sourceId, @Nullable String sourceLayerId, Promise promise);

public abstract void removeFeatureState(@Nullable Double viewRef, String featureId, @Nullable String stateKey, String sourceId, @Nullable String sourceLayerId, Promise promise);

public abstract void querySourceFeatures(@Nullable Double viewRef, String sourceId, ReadableArray withFilter, ReadableArray withSourceLayerIDs, Promise promise);
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59 changes: 57 additions & 2 deletions docs/
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Expand Up @@ -712,7 +712,9 @@ Queries the currently loaded data for elevation at a geographical location.<br/>
| `coordinate` | `Position` | `Yes` | the coordinates to query elevation at |

[Query Terrain Elevation](../examples/V10/QueryTerrainElevation)### setSourceVisibility(visible, sourceId[, sourceLayerId])
[Query Terrain Elevation](../examples/V10/QueryTerrainElevation)

### setSourceVisibility(visible, sourceId[, sourceLayerId])

Sets the visibility of all the layers referencing the specified `sourceLayerId` and/or `sourceId`

Expand All @@ -721,13 +723,66 @@ Sets the visibility of all the layers referencing the specified `sourceLayerId`
| ---- | :--: | :------: | :----------: |
| `visible` | `boolean` | `Yes` | Visibility of the layers |
| `sourceId` | `string` | `Yes` | Identifier of the target source (e.g. 'composite') |
| `sourceLayerId` | `String` | `No` | Identifier of the target source-layer (e.g. 'building') |
| `sourceLayerId` | `string` | `No` | Identifier of the target source-layer (e.g. 'building') |

await this._map.setSourceVisibility(false, 'composite', 'building')

### setFeatureState(featureId, state, sourceId [, sourceLayerId])

Updates the state map of a feature within a style source.

Updates entries in the state map of a given feature within a style source.

Only entries listed in the `state` will be updated.

An entry in the feature state map that is not listed in `state` will retain its previous value.

#### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| ---- | :--: | :------: | :----------: |
| `featureId` | `string` | `Yes` | Identifier of the feature whose state should be updated |
| `state` | `object` | `Yes` | Map of entries to update with their respective new values. |
| `sourceId` | `string` | `Yes` | Style source identifier |
| `sourceLayerId` | `string` | `No` | Style source layer identifier (for multi-layer sources such as vector sources). |

await this._map.setFeatureState('my-feature-id', { 'my-feature-state-key': 'my-feature-state-value' }, 'my-source-id', 'my-source-layer-id')

### getFeatureState(featureId, sourceId [, sourceLayerId])

Returns the state map of a feature within a style source.

#### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| ---- | :--: | :------: | :----------: |
| `featureId` | `string` | `Yes` | Identifier of the feature whose state should be updated. |
| `sourceId` | `string` | `Yes` | Style source identifier. |
| `sourceLayerId` | `string` | `No` | Style source layer identifier (for multi-layer sources such as vector sources). |

await this._map.getFeatureState('my-feature-id', 'my-source-id', 'my-source-layer-id')

### removeFeatureState(featureId, stateKey, sourceId [, sourceLayerId])

Removes entries from a feature state object.

Removes a specified property or all properties from a feature's state object depending on the value of `stateKey`.

#### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| ---- | :--: | :------: | :----------: |
| `featureId` | `string` | `Yes` | Identifier of the feature whose state should be removed. |
| `stateKey` | `string` or `null` | `Yes` | The name of the property to remove. If `null`, all feature’s state object properties are removed. |
| `sourceId` | `string` | `Yes` | Style source identifier. |
| `sourceLayerId` | `string` | `No` | Style source layer identifier (for multi-layer sources such as vector sources). |

await this._map.removeFeatureState('my-feature-id', 'my-feature-state-key', 'my-source-id', 'my-source-layer-id')

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