for desktop(ie5.5+) and mobile
You can use it for creating your personal pages and webApp.
Without jQuery.Less than 9KB.
兼容桌面端(ie5.5+) 和 手机端
这是一个不使用jQuery小巧的框架 不到9KB
This is a Demo.
Help! I want to make it AUTOPLAY! Demo like this
I want a SPECIFIC example! Demo like this
Here are some examples which use fullpage.
Fullpage only needs to follow a simple pattern. Here is an example:
<div id="pageContain">
<div class="page page1 current">
<div class="contain">
<!-- your own code here-->
<!-- ect.. -->
<ul id="navBar">
<!-- ect.. -->
你可以在 page 的 div 上加上 data-step, 当含有这个属性时, 你可以创造出不切屏的逐桢动画, fullpage 会为你自动添上 step1,step2,step3 这些 class, 并且在step终止时切屏.(详见Demo)
Above is the initial required structure– a series of elements wrapped in two containers. Place any content you want within the items. The containing div will need to be passed to the Fullpage function like so:
var runPage = new FullPage({
id : 'pageContain', // id of contain
slideTime : 800, // time of slide
continuous : false, // create an infinite feel with no endpoints
effect : { // slide effect
transform : {
translate : 'Y', // 'X'|'Y'|'XY'|'none'
scale : [.1, 1], // [scalefrom, scaleto]
rotate : [0, 0] // [rotatefrom, rotateto]
opacity : [0, 1] // [opacityfrom, opacityto]
mode : 'wheel,touch,nav:navBar', // mode of fullpage
easing : 'ease', // easing('ease','ease-in','ease-in-out' or use cubic-bezier like [.33, 1.81, 1, 1];
start : 1 // which page will display when install
// ,onSwipeStart : function(index, thisPage) { // callback onTouchStart
// return 'stop';
// }
// ,beforeChange : function(index, thisPage) { // callback before pageChange
// return 'stop';
// }
// ,callback : function(index, thisPage) { // callback when pageChange
// alert(index);
// };
I always place this at the bottom of the page, externally, to verify the page is ready.
id String - 外层包裹id
slideTime Integer (default:800) - 每页切换时间(毫秒)
effect Object (default:{}) - 效果参数
continuous Boolean (default:false) - 是否循环(即能从最后页跳到第一页面)
- translate String 切换方向 'X'|'Y'|'XY'|'none' 表示 X轴|Y轴|XY轴|无
- scale Array 缩放 [scalefrom, scaleto] 表示 [起始缩放比例, 结束时缩放比例]
- rotate Array 旋转 [rotatefrom, rotateto] 表示 [起始旋转角度, 结束时旋转角度]
opacity Array 透明度 [opacityfrom, opacityto] 表示 [起始透明度, 结束时透明度]
mode String (default:'') - 转换模式 'wheel,touch,nav:navBar' 表示 '滚轮,触摸,导航条:导航条id'
onSwipeStart Function - 触摸开始时的回调函数
- 当 retrun 'stop' 时,此次触摸将不会生效
beforeChange Function - 滑动开始时的回调函数
- 当 retrun 'stop' 时,此次滑动将还原
callback Function - 滑动结束后的回调函数
start Integer - 初始化时被展示的页面页码
Fullpage exposes a few functions that can be useful for script control of your pages.
slide to prev
slide to next
returns current page position
slide to set page position (num:the page you want to slide to)