(This is only a public readme. Project files are private: you must request access: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertofernandezmartinez/)
The General Manager of a multinational wholesaler decided to start exploiting data in order to improve revenue.
The project was divided in 6 weekly sprints. I reported our analysis to each member of the steering committee, every week.
Database tables
- Ventas (Sales)
- Clientes (Clients): clients are stores
- Productos (Products)
- Canales (Channels)
I used SQL and business analytics techniques:
- Data cleaning and preparation
- Entity Relationship optimization
- Margin growth
- Portfolio analysis
- Customer segmentation
- Customer Development Potential
- Customer reactivation
- Recommendation engine
- Other specific business queries
Steering committee and responsibilities:
- Strategy Director: Project coordination
- CIO: Ease data access. Help in data quality inquieres and issues.
- CMO: Increase revenue. Develop advanced solutions.
- COO: Reduce costs. Increase margin.
- CSO: Client management optimization. International expansion.