This repository contains the code and the setup process to build your own networking speed monitoring using linux and a few tools.
Attention: There are many absolute paths in this repository that need to be adapted if your code does not reside under /home/pi/SpeedCheck and the gdrive executable does not lie under /home/pi
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install speedtest-cli
Test the Speedtest Command Line Interface:
speedtest-cli --simple
Test the python script:
python /home/pi/SpeedCheck/
--> should output some values separated by ;
Test the bash script:
should output the csv line to your console:
should write the csv line into your csv file
python /home/pi/SpeedCheck/ >> /home/pi/SpeedCheck/SpeedMeasurements.csv
Download the gdrive executable ( and give it executable rights.
wget -O gdrive
chmod +x gdrive
./gdrive list
After the last command, Google Drive asks you for authentication via a link. You need to do this only once.
If you have been successfully authenticated, you can create a directory in the Google Drive, this returns an ID that we need to use in the
if you want to use the google drive.
./gdrive mkdir SpeedCheck
./gdrive sync upload SpeedCheck <ID>
Use crontab -e
to edit the configuration and enter the following line to run the bash script every full hour:
0 */1 * * * /home/pi/SpeedCheck/
To generate diagrams the repo contains an R script.
You can add the generation of the diagrams to the bash script or run it in a separate cron job / manually.
To execute it and generate the pdf use R < CreateDiagrams.R --no-save
The prerequisite here is, that you have R installed (r-base, r-recommended) as well as the parsedate