This package will transform joystick/controller commands into velocity commands.
- joy_node package:
- Tested with Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710 and NPlay MB-8140
- udev rule that places joystick device in /dev/idmind_joystick is recommended
- Launch idmind_teleop.launch to use default values and publish velocity commands
- Left Joystick controls X and Y velocities, Right Joystick controls angular velocity.
- Top left Button is a dead-man switch,
- Subscribes:
- /joy (sensor_msgs/Joy)
- Publishes:
- idmind_logging (idmind_msgs/Log)
- idmind_teleop/set_velocities (geometry_messages/Twist)
- Calls /idmind_navigation/toggle_joystick (if available)
- Calls /idmind_leds/toggle_display (if available)
- /ns/kinematics
- /ns/max_vel
- /ns/max_rot
where ns can be bot, motors or teleop (the first that exists).
##Contacts Carlos Neves - Henrique Póvoa -