Every one likes cool error message pages. Github has an awesome 404.
And it's very easy to create your own custom error pages for html responses.
But doing this for Ajax and Json responses meant either doing something generic or figuring out your own solution. Often something like returning an error message like 'Sorry we cant handle your request'. Nothing informative.
This package solves this problem.
Once it's installed. Tune your error messages for over a dozen possible error codes. You can even add more. Just create a ZizzZazzException assign a status code to it, and a custom message. Done!
Install Laravel Json Aware Exception Handler with Composer.
$ composer require robrogers3/laravel-json-aware-exception-handler
Option 1: Update your .env file by adding this line:
This will use the JsonHandler for json requests and the Laravel Exception Handler for regular requests.
Note: it will completely ignore your app's Exception Handler. This means you can't override anything in this class.
Option 2: Update your App Handler class to extend the JsonAwareExceptionHandler
You do not have to update your .env file.
The benefit of this is you can overide how the JsonAwareExceptionHandler
To do this you need to change your App\Exceptions\Handler
class to extend RobRogers3\LaravelExceptionHandler\JsonAwareExceptionHandler
rather than extending Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler
. Like so:
use RobRogers3\LaravelExceptionHandler\JsonAwareExceptionHandler;
class Handler extends JsonAwareExceptionHandler
You need to run this artisan command:
$ artisan vendor:publish
This will copy the exception messages to your local lang directory.
Open the exceptionmessages.php and change the messages you want to show for different http status codes.
You may want to change 401 to something more clever or more corporate. It's up to you.
There really is only one thing to use: Taking advantage of the MessagingException::class
Throwing this with a custom message allows you to display something detailed or specific to the situtation.
Here's where you want to take advantage of this.
Take a look at this handling of an ajax response error.
handle (error) {
if (error.response.data) {
//the error message returned by the json response corresponds to the error.response.data property
//Usually it's a string
if (typeof error.response.data == 'string') {
return alert(error.response.data);
//validation errors are an array
if (error.response.status == 422 && error.response.data.length) {
let errors = [];
error.response.data.forEach(datum => {
return alert(errors.join("\n"));
//used to handle a teapot message 418
//can be a random exception you throw as say MessagingException
//you can tweek your teapot messages to have an extra 'message' property. Up to you.
//by default it doesn't
if (error.response.status == 418 && error.response.data.message) {
return alert(error.response.data);
return alert('We could not handle your request');