helm install jitsu oci://registry-1.docker.io/stafftasticcharts/jitsu -f-<<EOF
host: "jitsu.example.com"
seedUserEmail: "me@example.com"
seedUserPassword: "changeMe"
For a production deployment it is recommended to read through values.yaml
and make conscious
decisions in order to ensure the deployment is secure, reliable and scalable.
password: "changeMe"
passwords: ["changeMe"]
password: "changeMe"
className: "nginx"
cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: "letsencrypt"
host: "jitsu.example.com"
tls: true
# Populate with GitHub OAuth client credentials
githubClientId: "..."
githubClientSecret: "..."
Once you have logged in, set console.config.disable#
to true
to prevent anyone with a
GitHub account from using your instance.
See values.yaml for more configuration options.
This chart deploys the following dependencies by default in order to provide an easy out-of-the-box experience, however for production it is recommended you deploy these separately:
- Postgres
- Redis
- Kafka
- MongoDB
In order to use your own instances of these, disable them in with their respective options:
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
Then supply the connection details in the config
section (or specifically per service):
databaseUrl: "postgres://..."
redisUrl: "redis://..."
kafkaBootstrapServers: "kafka:9092,..."
mongodbUrl: "mongodb://..."
The individual services' configuration corresponds to the environment variables they accept. For services where every environment variable is prefixed with the service name, the prefix is stripped, otherwise the keys are naïvely converted to camel case, with each letter that would follow an underscore capitalized.
Some values, in particular those that contain sensitive information or connection information, also
allow you to reference a secret or configmap. In values.yaml
these are suffixed with From
. E.g.
to read the database URL (config.databaseUrl
) from a secret, set it as you would an environment
name: database-secret-name
key: database-url-key
For the full list of variables that support this syntax, see values.yaml
Many of the configuration values will be set automatically when left empty, such as connection parameters for services deployed by the subcharts, tokens and URLs for inter-service communication and values that can be directly derived from other values. When this is the case it is noted in the comments above the value. Links are also provided to relevant upstream documentation.
Some configuration values contain structured data. For these you can either specify them as a string as you would in an environment variable, or as a dict that will be converted to the appropriate string representation by the chart.
One notable example of this, and the only exception to the 1:1 mapping of environment variables to
camel cased keys, is the bulker.config.destination
value. The Bulker takes an arbitrary number of
destination environment variables in the form of BULKER_DESTINATION_*
. These are represented in
as a dict of either strings or dicts.
id: postgres
s3: '{"id":"s3"}'
If you prefer to configure one or more services manually through the environment, you can disable
the configuration abstractions by setting config.enabled
to false
, either at the top-level or
The different Jitsu services communicate with each other using tokens and corresponding salted hashes to verify. These can be managed manually, however by default they are generated by a job and stored in a secret. Each service then gets access to the tokens they need through the environment.
In order to disable this, set tokenGenerator.enabled
to false
and supply the tokens manually.
By default syncctl runs connectors in the same namespace as the rest of the Jitsu services. If you
wish to run these ephemeral and to some degree user-controlled workloads in a separate namespace you
can set syncctl.config.kubernetesNamespace
to the desired namespace, and the chart will create the
namespace, service proxies for the bulker and databse, and the necessary RBAC resources for you.
If using tools that render the chart without access to the cluster, such as Argo CD, set
to a random string to ensure it's not regnerated every time. This is only
necessary if you're using the Kafka subchart.
It's not necessary to go through all intermediate versions when upgrading, however if upgrading to a version greater or equal to one mentioned below, additional steps may be required.
The Rotor is now also protected with an auth token when using the token generator (enabled by default). This means that if you have an old token secret you will either need to add values for the Rotor to the secret or delete the secret and let the token generator create a new one upon deployment. Deleting the secret will also use the uniform format across services introduced in Jitsu v2.4.5.
This release disables the Redis deployment by default as it is no longer required by Jitsu v2.5.0.
If you have functions persistent storage or identity stitching data you wish to keep, set
to true
to enable "double read" mode as outlined in the release notes for Jitsu
This release splits the config.clickhouseHost
and config.clickhouseHostFrom
parameters up into
separate parameters for HTTP and TCP, as different components require different protocols. If you
were using these parameters, simply set config.clickhouseHttpHost
and config.clickhouseTcpHost
(or the equivalent ...From
variants) making sure to set the correct port. If you were setting this
on a per-component basis or letting the chart configure it for you no action is needed.
ClickHouse is now also set up to use Zookeeper instead of ClickHouse Keeper as it is currently broken in Bitnami's Helm chart for ClickHouse: bitnami/charts#15935. If you had a working configuration using ClickHouse Keeper, you will need to explicitly enable it and disable Zookeeper to avoid switching over to a fresh Zookeeper deployment.