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Project Requirements

Rodolfo Herrera Hernandez edited this page Sep 11, 2024 · 1 revision

To run this project, you'll need the following:

  • Docker: Docker is required to run any containerized components of this project. Furthermore, if you intend to deploy Quantum using Docker, you'll require it as well. You can utilize the .sh script located within the project's root directory:

  • Node.js 21 or higher: It is recommended to use nvm (Node Version Manager) to manage Node.js versions on your system. Here's how to install Node.js 21 using nvm:

    1. Installing NVM:

      curl -o- | bash

      Or, if you prefer to use wget:

      wget -qO- | bash
    2. Close and reopen the terminal: It is important to close and reopen the terminal after installing nvm for the changes to take effect.

    3. Installing Node.js 20.11.1:

      nvm install 20.11.1
    4. Set the default version: Then, you can set the newly installed version as the default using the following command:

      nvm alias default 20.11.1


You may prefer the all-in-one command, to run in your terminal, clone the repository and install dependencies.

git clone -b 1.0.6 && cd Quantum && cd server && npm install --force && cd ../client &&  npm install --force

Installation Guide

  1. Clone the Quantum Repository:
    git clone -b 1.0.6
    This command clones the Quantum repository from GitHub to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the Quantum Directory:
    cd Quantum
    Move into the cloned repository directory.
  3. Install Server Dependencies:
    cd server
    npm install --force
    This command installs the necessary dependencies for the server component of Quantum.
  4. Install Client Dependencies:
    cd ../client
    npm install --force
    Navigate to the client directory within the Quantum repository and install the frontend dependencies.