Vim plugin to slice your Python programs with programslice.
Get programslice first. At this moment it is not available on pypi, so github is your best bet:
$ pip install
Install the vim plugin preferably through Vundle:
" Installation via Vundle
Plugin 'romanofski/programslice.vim'
You can set the following variables:
" Tell the plugin where to find the command if it's not easily reachable
" from you PATH
let g:programslice_cmd = "/home/user/programslice/bin/programslice"
" If you want to know what is happening and how the vim plugin calls
" programslice, set g:programslice_debug_file to log call and output
let g:programslice_debug_file = "/tmp/programslice.debug"
" Disable the version check
let g:programslice_disable_version_check = 1