- Brooklyn, NY
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Enterprise Kubernetes management, accelerated. 🚀
To extract main article from given URL with Node.js
Deadshot is a Github pull request scanner to identify sensitive data being committed to a repository
A stealth URL toolkit optimized for bypassing censorship filters and/or dropping malware
fast AutoLayout & VFL for the Web. Written in C++, compiled to WASM using Emscripten.
📜 Extract meaningful content from the chaos of a web page
Command-line tools for speech and intent recognition on Linux
Lightweight javascript implementation of promises.
wildabeast / appmaker
Forked from mozilla-appmaker/appmakerAn exploration in making app authoring available to non-developers
It could potentially end up maybe possibly being an app harness that runs appmaker apps. APPS.
addyosmani / dotfiles
Forked from paulirish/dotfilesMy dot files (in need of updating to my latest)
FileRock Client - FileRock is a file synchronization and backup solution providing confidentiality and integrity check.
Droptiles is a "Windows 8 Start" like Metro-style Web 2.0 Dashboard. It compromises of Live Tiles. Tiles are mini apps that can fetch data from external sources. Clicking on a tile launches the ful…
An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
Simple multiplatform (Qt-based) application update tool inspired by Sparkle
HTML5 application architecture using Backbone.js
Small demo that demonstrates some basic features of the DynamoDB. The demo loads loan data from a JSON feed into DynamoDB, displays these items from the database, filters them by keyword, adds new …