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A React/Redux environment, playground & springboard for your project.

Get a react/redux playground/project up and running in < 5 mins. Quickly create components, reducers, write tests, lint and apply style sharpish. Happy coding :)


  1. $ git clone ...
  2. npm run jumpstart

*tested with node -v 6 & 7

*npm run jumpstart will run install and start a dev environment

- React
- Redux
- Redux Router
- Redux Thunk
- Redux Dev Tools
- ES6 w/ Babel
- Webpack 2
- Webpack dashboard
- Hot Module Replacement
- Eslint (air bnb standard)
- Mocha

Running in: Dev

$ npm run dev

Running in: Production

Build will be in the ./build folder.

To create and bundle a build simply run:

$ npm run build

To create and bundle a build then be able to preview it locally run:

$ npm run production

How To's:

Create a new screen/page/smart component:
  1. Duplicate the folder _template within the ./src/screens folder
  2. Rename the new folder your desired screen name or whatever
  3. Rename the _template.scss
  4. Change _template references
Add a new route:
  1. In ./router/createRoutes.js import your new screen (e.g. import About from '../About/Page.react;)
  2. Finally add a new Route to the return value of createRoutes (e.g. <Route path="about" component={About}/>)
Add an item to the navigation:
  1. Open ./components/Navigation/navigation.react.js
  2. Create an li element with your params e.g. <li><Link to={'/about'} className={this.isActiveRoute('about')}>About</Link></li>
Add a new reducer:
  1. Duplicate the folder '_template' within the ./src/reducers folder
  2. Set up your actions & reducers
  3. Import the actions.js file into ./src/reducers/mapDispatchToProps
  4. Import the reducer.js into ./src/reducers/appReducer.js


Everyone brings something awesome to the party so please raise any suggestions and contribute. So...

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


Get a react/redux project set up in < 5 mins






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