A collection of awesome community resources, maybe not quite production ready, for increasing the adoption of the Open Security Controls Assessment Language, OSCAL.
Before contributing, please review the Contribution Guidelines.
Brian Ruf's OSCAL-GUI: An example PHP web interface developed by @brian-ruf of former FedRAMP fame. It has core presentation logic, file import, format conversion, and working profile resolution.
GSA's OSCAL Tools: A collection of open-source tools provided by GSA teams to interoperate between OSCAL data (with required FedRAMP Extensions) and Word (DOCX) formats for SSPs, SARs, and SAPs.
GoComply's FedRAMP Utility: a tool that uses oscalkit (see below) to stamp in OSCAL data to the FedRAMP Word (DOCX) system security plan templates.
GoComply's oscalkit: a Golang-based software development kit and command-line utility for operating on OSCAL data models.
GovReady's GovReady-Q: An open source, web-based self-service GRC tool to automate security assessments and compliance from @gregelin and the GovReady crew. It focuses on import and export of OSCAL data models.
IBM Compliance Trestle: An opinionated command-line tooling platform for managing compliance as code, using continuous integration and NIST's OSCAL standard.
John Jediny's OSCAL Static Site Playground: a static web application, using Gatsby and the US Web Design System, with hosting on the Federalist platform, to host a modern responsive application with OSCAL data models in JSON format dropped in place.
mocolicious OSCAL-Examples: A collection of different front-end web applications leveraging OSCAL, mainly to show off different development workflows and environments. Current development status or community use is unclear.
OMB'S OPAL: OSCAL Policy Administration Library (OPAL) provides a simple web application from the US government's Office of Management and Budget for managing system security plans, using the OSCAL standard to inform its data models.
SHR Group's pyOSCAL: Python library to convert OSCAL content into python objects, developed by the clever @mruge. pyOSCAL-Builder automatically generates pyOSCAL dynamically from the lastes NIST OSCAL Metaschema.
Wendell Piez's OSCAL Profile Import Examiner: XMLJellySandwich is a web-based, in-browser XSLT transform system leveraging SaxonJS. @wendellpiez has focused one demo on validating an OSCAL profile in XML form by validating upstream catalog references.
- Brad Hards ISM OSCAL Catalog: a community developer's collection of the Australian government's Information Security Manual security controls in the form of OSCAL catalogs.