Web applications built in R using Shiny.
shiny-rnaseq-power | Run power analyses for RNASeq experiments |
shiny-nametagger | Create name tags for clip-on badges |
shiny-doorsign | Create door signage for office |
shiny-planner | A planner calendar |
shiny-certificate*/certexpress | Generate course certificates |
shiny-valkompass | Runs PCA and plots your views on Swedish political latent space |
pophelperShiny | Visualise admixture proportions |
quarto-typst-nametag | Quarto extension using Typst to create nametags |
quarto-typst-certificate | Quarto extension using Typst to create certificates |
quarto-team | Quarto extension to add a team layout |
quarto-accordion | Quarto extension to add accordions |
specky | Quarto website template for courses |
quarto-reveal-logo | Quarto extension to add logos to revealjs presentation |
abstrave | Quarto website template for courses |
folium | Quarto website template for NBIS projects |
folium-webpage | Quarto single page template for NBIS projects |
minty | Rmarkdown report and xaringan presentation template for NBIS projects |
workshop-template-rmd-ga | RMarkdown workshop website template with github actions |
raukrtemplate | Rmarkdown report and presentation template used for RaukR workshop 2018-2022 |
renvtools | Read, write and compare renv lock files |
plummy | ggplot2 custom themes |
easyshiny | Generate shiny app from single-cell transcriptomics data |
pixture | HTML image gallery with lightbox using htmlwidgets |
pophelper | Analyse and visualise admixture proportions |
iscrape | Instagram scrapper |
raukr-2024 | RaukR 2024: Advanced R for Bioinformatics* |
workshop-scRNAseq | Single cell RNAseq analysis* |
workshop-ngsintro | Introduction to Bioinformatics using NGS data* |
workshop-rnaseq | Analyses of Bulk RNAseq data* |
raukr-2023 | RaukR 2023: Advanced R for Bioinformatics* |
RaukR-2022 | RaukR 2022: Advanced R for Bioinformatics* |
RaukR-2021 | RaukR 2021: Advanced R for Bioinformatics* |
course-r | 2 day R course for beginners |
RaukR-2019 | RaukR 2019: Advanced R for Bioinformatics* |
RaukR-2018 | RaukR 2018: Advanced R for Bioinformatics* |
workshop-r | 5 day R course for beginners* |
SensorScope | Film and camera sensor formats |
Fontcheck | Interactive font preview |
SeqHub | Knowledgebase for RNASeq and scRNASeq |
r-calendar | Photo calendar for print using R |
sk | Skandia mortgage interest rates interactive plot |
docker-zellkonverter | Docker image to run zellkonverter |
*Hosted on organisation account.