I used Python 3.6 with anaconda(updated). I have also updated the files in the output folder.
In this repository you can find scripts for obtaining Fortune 1000 and Global 500 companies lists and their data outputs. Scripts downloading and parsing information from the official site.
You should have Python 2.7 installed. In folder with cloned repository please run:
-sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install virtaulenv and all required libraries.
Don't forget to activate virtualenv if it isn't already done. To do that run:
source env/bin/activate
To obtain Fortune 1000 companies list please run the following. This will generate csv file in output folder.
python fortune1000.py
To obtain Global 500 companies list please run the following. This will generate csv file in output folder.
python global500.py
In this repository in output folder you can find data that the scripts generate. It can be useful if you are looking only for data.