Disable Vue reactivity for a given object. If you're using this, you may want to rethink your data model. However, this plugin is useful in a small subset of cases where you need to prevent Vue from walking nested properties that do not represent application state. eg, your model has a reference to a data store or cache.
new Vue({
el: 'body',
data() {
const instance = postStore.fetch({include: ['author', 'comments.author']})
return {post: instance, },
In the above case, the object _cache
does not represent pure state
and should not be observed.
When Vue observes an object, it walks each attribute and converts it into a reactive property. Any nested objects are then also observed. However, Vue will skip observation if it detects that the object is already observed. We can make an object non-reactive by assigning a dummy observer, duping Vue's observer detection.
$ npm version <update type>
$ git push --follow-tags
$ npm publish