Dependency tree-based text classifier.
Requirements: Python: gensim 2.3.0 nltk 3.2.4 numpy 1.12.1 scikit-learn 0.18.2 tensorflow 1.0.0 Java: json-simple-1.1.1 stanford-corenlp-3.7.0 stanford-corenlp-3.7.0-models
Files: - Convolutional neural network text classifier modified from from - Dependency tree-based text classifier. DTCHelper/src/ - NLP server for dependency trees and semgrex patterns. Uses Stanford CoreNLP. DTCHelper/src/ - Wrapper class for semgrex patterns. - Pattern extraction algorithm. - Random forest text classifier. Uses SciKit-Learn's random forest classifier, wrapped with text-specific functionality. - Utility objects, including dataset loading functionality.
- Start the Java NLP server (DTCHelper).
- Load text datasets with TextDatasetFileParser.parse() in Dataset files can be .arff files with one string attribute, one nominal class attribute and an optional weight; or .csv files with format "text,class_label,weight" (weight is optional). This will return datasets in the form of a list of Instance objects.
- Train the classifier (DependencyTreeClassifier in on training data with the classifier's train() method.
- Evaluate the classifier's performance with the classifier's evaluate() method.
To change the "backup" classifier used by the DTC Classifier (used when no pattern matches a test sentence), pass either "rf" or "cnn" to the backup_classifier parameter of the DTC classifier's constructor to use a random forest or CNN classifier with default settings, or pass an object of type AbstractTextClassifier (from to the backup_classifier parameter.
To use the Word2Vec version of the CNN classifier, pass the path (string) to a text file containing one document per line to the unlabeled_data parameter of the CNN classifier's constructor.