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Fork of Shawn Ng's CNNs for Sentence Classification in PyTorch, refactored as a scikit-learn classifier.


  • python 3
  • pytorch > 0.1
  • torchtext > 0.1
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn

Known Issues

  • Doesn't play well with GridSearchCV if num_jobs isn't 1 (unless not using CUDA).
  • Only supports pre-trained word vectors from TorchText (or no pre-trained vectors).
  • The random_state parameter probably only works with integers or None.
  • Features my idiosyncratic coding style.

To Do

  • Add support for cross-validation during training.
  • Implement sample weights in eval scoring?


lr : float, optional (default=0.01) Initial learning rate.

epochs : integer, optional (default=256) Number of training epochs.

batch_size : integer, optional (default=64) Training batch size.

test_interval : integer, optional (default=100) The number of epochs to wait before testing.

early_stop : integer, optional (default=1000) The number of iterations without increased performance to reach before stopping.

save_best : boolean, optional (default=True) Keep the model with the best performance found during training.

dropout : float, optional (default=0.5) Dropout probability.

max_norm : float, optional (default=0.0) L2 constraint.

embed_dim : integer, optional (default=128) The number of embedding dimensions. Ignored if vectors is not None.

kernel_num : integer, optional (default=100) The number of each size of kernel.

kernel_sizes : iterable of integers, optional (default=(3, 4, 5)) Kernel sizes to use for convolution.

static : boolean, optional (default=False) If true, fix the embedding.

device : int, optional (default=-1) Device to use for CUDA; -1 to use the currently selected device (see torch.cuda.device()).

cuda : boolean, optional (default=True) If true, use the GPU if available.

activation_func : string, optional (default='relu') Activation function. If 'relu' or 'tanh', uses rectified linear unit or hyperbolic tangent, respectively. Otherwise, uses no activation function (f(x) = x).

scoring : callable or "roc_auc", optional (default=sklearn.metrics.make_scorer(sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score)) Scoring method for testing model performance during fitting.

pos_label : string, optional (default=None) Positive class label for roc_auc scoring. Ignored if using a different scoring method.

vectors : string, optional (default=None) Which pretrained TorchText vectors to use (see torchtext.vocab.pretrained_aliases for options). If not None, setting static=True is strongly recommended.

split_ratio : float, optional (default=0.9) Ratio of training data used for training. The remainder will be used for validation.

preprocessor : callable or None, optional (default=None) Override default string preprocessing.

class_weight : dict, "balanced" or None, optional (default=None) Weights associated with each class (see class_weight parameter in existing scikit-learn classifiers).

random_state : integer, optional (default=None) Seed for the random number generator.

verbose : integer, optional (default=0) Controls the verbosity when fitting.


fit(X, y, sample_weight=None) Train the CNN classifier from the training set (X, y).

Parameters: X: list of strings
               The training input samples.

            y: list of strings
               The class labels.

            sample_weight: list of integers or floats, or None
               Sample weights. If None, samples are equally weighted.

Returns:    self : object

predict(X) Predict class for X.

Parameters: X: list of strings
               The input samples.

Returns:    y: list of strings
               The predicted classes.

predict_proba(X) Predict class probabilities for X.

Parameters: X: list of strings
               The input samples.

Returns:    y: list of lists for floats
               The predicted class probabilities.


CNNs for Sentence Classification in PyTorch








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