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File metadata and controls

198 lines (144 loc) · 8.37 KB

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Just another API mocker that can be configured to response random and specific data. It can help testing integrations with third parties. It's specially useful to create integration tests where we need to interact with an external service, so we can customize the response for different services exactly as we expect the external service responses.

Currently, only REST API responses are supported.


There is a demo available here. The application is deployed in the free tier of Cyclic, so please, don't abuse.

Getting started

This is a Deno application, packaged as a Dokcer image.


Installation as docker image:

docker pull dvlprtech/api-mockr

How to use

If we only want to take a look and run the application with the default config:

docker run --rm --name mockr -it -p 3003:3003 dvlprtech/api-mockr

We should see something like:

Launching api-mockr...
[🟢 api-mockr] Server running at:

To stop de server, if the container is running in interactive mode, press [Ctrl+C]

The application default port es 3003, to use custom config files we can map a volume on /config container directory and to pass specific parameters to the application we can pass them to the command line or use the environment variable MOCKR_PARAMS (Notice the missing E in "MOCKR_").

In the following example we are passing the --verbose option parameter and the local config file: /my-local-configs-paths/user-crud.yml:

# The  /config/user-crud.yml is the container path to config ile
docker run --rm --name mockr -it -p 3003:3003 -v /my-local-configs-paths:/config dvlprtech/api-mockr --verbose --config=/config/user-crud.yml

Using the env MOCKR_PARAMS:

# The  /config/user-crud.yml is the container path to config ile
MOCKR_PARAMS="--verbose --config=/config/user-crud.yml"
docker run --rm --name mockr -it -p 3003:3003 -v /my-local-configs-paths:/config -e MOCKR_PARAMS="$MOCKR_PARAMS" dvlprtech/api-mockr

There are several options params that can be used to configure the server:

  • --port: The port to listen to. Default is 3003.
  • --host: The host to listen to. Default is
  • --silent: If present, the server will not output any message. By default, the server will print every request with the basic info about the response.
  • --verbose: If present, the server will print every request with its params and payload and the applied server configuration when the server is created.
  • --config: The path to the config file. It's a multivalue param.
  • --apiPrefix: The prefix to invoque the API services. Default is /. If set all mocked routes should be invoked with this prefix. I.e. The configured route /v1/users should be invoked as /api/v1/users if we use --apiPrefix=/api.

Example of use:

$ docker run --rm -it -p 13003:13003 dvlprtech/api-mockr --port=13003 --apiPrefix=/api --verbose
[🟢 api-mockr v0.0.0] Server running at:

Without additional configuration, the default server will response with the following data to whatever request:

$ curl 'http://localhost:3003/api/whatever?foo=bar'

There is an exception, the call to / will return a fixed text, that can be used to "ping" the server.

$ curl 'http://localhost:3003/'
API Mockr (v0.0.0)

Special params

There are some special params that can be used with each request:

  • _pretty: If it's set to true, the response will be pretty printed.
  • _delay: The delay in milliseconds to wait before responding. By default 0.
  • _forceError: If it's set to true, the response will be an error with a http status code of 500 by default.
  • _clonePayload: If it's set to true, the response payload will be a clone of the request payload but appling variable substitution if they are used in request payload.

The error response can be customized with 2 header:

  • x-mocker-force-error': HTTP status code to be returned, can be any value between 400 and 599. Values out of range will be ignored.
  • x-mocker-error-msg: The error message to be returned, you can use variables in the message, like "ERROR: ${random.emoji} ${random.phrase}".

Example of error response:

$ curl 'http://localhost:3003/api/whatever?foo=bar&_forceError=true&_pretty=1'
  "success": false,
  "error": "Error in request to path: /api/whatever",
  "request": {
    "body": null,
    "params": {
      "foo": "bar",
      "_forceError": "true",
      "_pretty": "1"

Customizing the message and code:

$ curl -H "x-mocker-force-error: 418" -H 'x-mocker-error-msg: ERROR: ${random.emoji} ${random.phrase}' 'http://localhost:3003/api/whatever?foo=bar&_forceError=true&_pretty=1'
  "success": false,
  "error": "ERROR: 🐭 You cant quantify the driver without transmitting the multi-byte SQL microchip!",
  "request": {
    "body": null,
    "params": {
      "foo": "bar",
      "_forceError": "true",
      "_pretty": "1"

The emoji and the error phrase will be different with each call.

Server configuration

The config files can be read in YAML and JSON formats, the default config file is like this:

  success: true
  timestamp: ${server.isoDatetime}
    path: ${request.path} 
    body: ${request.payload}
    params: ${request.params}
  $httpStatus$: 500
  success: false
  error: "${error}"
    body: ${request.payload}
    params: ${request.params}
      success: true 
      author: ${random.personFirstName}
      phrase: ${random.phrase}

There are 3 main sections in the config file:

  • defaultResponse: The default response to be returned when there is no match for the request path and the configured routes
  • errorResponse: The error response payload to be returned when an error occurs.
  • routes: The routes to be mocked grouped by HTTP method (get, post, put, ...). A wildcard (*) can be used to match any method and/or any path.

Variables in configuration

We can use variables in the configuration files to provide dynamic values with every response. There are several variables types:

  • random: Random values for all sort of data. i.e. random.personFullName, random.integer, random.department, ...
  • request: Values from the request. i.e. request.path, request.params, request.payload
  • server: Values from the server. i.e. server.timestamp, server.isoDate, ...
  • Path variables: Variables created in the config file to refer a path section. i.e. A configured route like /api/users/${username} will create a variable username with value "bob23" for a request path like /api/users/bob23, this variable can be used in the route response (... "author": "${username}", ...).

Some of the variables accept parameters, the params should be added after a dot (variable.paramValue) for example:

  • In requests like /api/whatever?foo=bar It will return bar.
  • random.personFirstName.male: This params accepts male or female as possible input values
  • random.choose.monday.sunday.tuesday: This params accepts a variable number of params and It will return one of them randomly.

For further informaton about the supported variables, please refer to the file.

There are several examples of config files in examples directory.