SublimeText 3 plugin for displaying regular expression explanations
As some regular expressions are write-only code, it's sometimes useful to obtain a description of what a particular regex actually does. Having it available in a text editor can be an asset.
Install via Package Control.
Alternatively, clone this repository to Packages
Press Shift+Super+Alt+R to display the explanation of selected text. Currently, a region must be explicitly selected.
It is possible to use custom CSS files. You can define the CSS file in settings file (navigate to Preferences
-> Package Settings
-> RegexExplainTip
-> Settings - User
) under css_file
"css_file": "Packages/User/my-custom.css"
You should locate the file somewhere under Packages
-> Browse Packages...
) directory.
The plugin uses YAPE::Regex::Explain to obtain the regex explanation.
Therefore, Perl with YAPE::Regex::Explain
module installed is required.
As this plugin relies on external Perl installation and modules, one must have correct environment setup.
This includes proper value if Perl's @INC
variable, which allows Perl to find required modules.
This directory depends on you environment settings, OS, CPAN configuration and so on.
For example, you might need to define the paths in PERL5LIB
export PERL5LIB=/some/perl/installation/directory/lib
Alternatively, one may add the following line to Perl code declared in get_explanation
use lib 'c:/StrawberryPERL/perl/site/lib';