visit "/posts"
current_path.should == "/#"
click_link("Ads") # Name or id of the link
click_button("Save") # Name or id of the button
click_on("some") # Either link or button
fill_in("Name", :with => "DHH") # Name or id of the field # Text field
select("Male", :from => "gender_id") # Normal Select, Use id of the field
select2_select("Male", "gender_id_input") # Select2 select, _input is necessory
select2_ajax("publisher name", :from => "#publisher_id") #id of the field
check('A Checkbox') # Checkbox, use id or name
choose('Male') # Name or id of the Radio Button
fill_in_autocomplete("#advertiser_id", "adver")
expect(page).to have_content("Awesome Post") # expecting text
expect(page).to have_link("Edit Post") # expecting link
expect(page).to have_css(".acitve") # expecting css
expect(page).to have_select('Company', :options => ['RMM']) # expecting select field with options
expect(page).to have_field('name', with: "siva") # expecting text field with some value
####Check alert messages
page.driver.alert_messages.should == ["Alert Message."]