This is a modern , simplistic and light-weight plugin for a Light-Box. Repo contains 3 files :
- index.htm // HTML file (dummy implementation)
- lightBoxStyle.css // CSS file
- lightBoxPLugin.js // JS file
To use the plugin :
Attach the lightBoxStyle.css stylesheet to your HTML file
Give a special class to all the images that you want the Light-Box to detect ( say , class = "lightBoxImages" )
Import the LightBox class from lightBoxPLugin.js file and create an object of it, and pass the class name you chose in earlier step import {LightBox} from '...Path of lightBoxPLugin.js File'; new LightBox("lightBoxImages");
[ Optional ] You can choose to disable the key Actions of LightBox ( to allow lightbox to be closed/navigated using keyboard). To do that while creating object pass 'allowKeyAction' parameter as false new LightBox("lightBoxImages",false);
Check for message in log : "plugin installed successfully" for successful plugin install.