This is a sample setup for ingesting data from kafka into elasticsearch with fluentbit. Filesystem buffering is enabled for both fluentbit instances.
Dummy --> FluentBitSource
FluentBitSource --> Kafka
Kafka --> FluentBitSink
FluentBitSink --> Elasticseach
FluentBit Source: (see fluent-bit.conf)
- Dummy Input -> generates random audit events
- Lua Filter audit_dummy.lua -> modifies the kafka messages before sending
- Kafka Output -> publishes the events in Kafka
FluentBit Sink: (see fluent-bit.conf)
- Kafka Input -> consumes audit events from a kafka topic
- Lua Filter kafka.lua -> modifies the event before ingestion into elsaticsearch
- Kafka Output -> publishes the events in elasticsearch
To start the whole infrastructure just run:
docker compose up
Then the following services are available:
- http://localhost:8081 -> kafka ui
- http://localhost:9200 -> elasticsearch
- http://localhost:5601 -> kibana
- http://localhost:2020 -> fluentbit (source)
- http://localhost:2021 -> fluentbit (source)