Portfolio SSR powered by Rust with Astro and Svelte
- Rust: The core programming language used to build the backend API and main services.
- Axum: Web framework used to create the RESTful API endpoints and handle HTTP requests for the portfolio.
- TailwindCSS: Utility-first CSS framework used for styling the frontend components and responsive design.
- RedisDB: Used as a caching layer to store data and improve portfolio performance.
- Proxmox: Virtualization platform used to host and manage the portfolio's virtual machine.
- Docker: Used to containerize the portfolio application and its dependencies for consistent deployment.
- Fedora: The Linux distribution running on the server that hosts my portfolio.
- Beszel: To monitorization and alerting.
- Caddy: Web server that handles SSL/TLS, reverse proxy, and serves the portfolio to visitors.
- TiKV: a highly scalable, low latency, and easy to use key-value database coded in Rust.
- Meilisearch: a powerful, open-source search engine offering fast and relevant full-text searches in Rust.
pnpm i
pnpm run dev
pnpm run build
ncu --upgrade # To upgrade all packages
sh build.sh # Run all services in Docker