This is a library to perform anonymization operations on JSON data.
This library was developed by the Data Engineering team @ Runtastic in Austria. We decided to open source it as anonymization is relevant to any project dealing with data privacy regulations, like GDPR.
Anonymizer constructor takes:
: secret to be used in case of encryption operations (defaultNone
Once initialized the anonymizer object you can call the functions anonymize_json_str
or anonymize_json
in order to anonymize a JSON based on the rule specified in the schema.
# Initialize the Anonymizer object passing JSON schema as string
anonymizer = Anonymizer(json_schema=schema_str)
# Anonymize JSON passing it as a string
anonymized_json = anonymizer.anonymize_json_str(test_json_str)
# Anonymize JSON passing it as a parsed dictionary
anonymized_json = anonymizer.anonymize_json(test_json_dict)
In order to anonymize a field you have to specify in the schema two extra fields:
: string representing the name of the anonymization operationx-anonymize-args
: list of args for the anonymization operation. If the operation does not take any arguments, this field can be omitted.
You have to add the fields x-anonymize-operation
and x-anonymize-args
in the schema of
the field you want to anonymize (for example, alongside its type
Consider the example below:
"user": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "number",
"x-anonymize-operation": "round_float",
"x-anonymize-args": [2]
"name": {
"type": "string"
You are specifying that you want to anonymize the field user/id
applying the operation round_float
keeping just 2
decimal digits.
All the operators are placed in the class anonymizer.AnonymizeOperators
The following operators are available:
Round IP address putting the last two numbers to 0. -
Return None regardless the input value. -
Round the input float to the closest integer. -
round_float(field_value, ndigits)
Round float to ndigits decimal digits. -
Encrypt the field using the encryption secret -
Return "false" if :field_value is empty, white-spaces, null or not a String; "true" otherwise. -
Return 0 if :field_value is null or not a number, 1 otherwise. -
is_email_present_or_test(field_value, test_domains)
Return a string representing the existence of the email (true, false, invalid, test) -
truncate_day_from_str(field_value, pattern)
Return the given date with its day set to first of the month and the time part zeroed. -
Return the given :posix_timestamp with its day set to first of the month and the time part zeroed. -
Return the given :milliseconds_since_epoch with its day set to first of the month and the time part zeroed. -
replace_regex_matches_with_string(field_value, pattern, repl)
Return the string obtained by replacing the occurrences of the regex :pattern in :field_value by the replacement :repl. -
conditional_operation(field_dict, conditional_args)
Return the dictionary with replaced field value if: condition is met, unchanged dictionary otherwise. -
split_anonymize_and_join(field_value, anonymize_args)
Return the string with replaced separated values.Example 1: Round all elements inside values string to 2 decimal places. Individual substrings inside the values string need to be converted to float in order to perform the
{ ... "values": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "x-anonymize-operation": "split_anonymize_and_join", "x-anonymize-args": [{ "separator": ",", "function": "round_float", "function_args": [2], "cast_element_to": "float" }] } ... }
{ ... "values": "3.21231, 4.23, 5.6372", ... }
{ ... "values": "3.21,4.23,5.64", ... }
Example 2: Encrypt all elements inside values string (separator=";"). The encrypt operation does not require any additional arguments, so the
field can be removed or set to []. As the encrypt operation is applied on strings, no type casting is required. Therefore, thecast_element_to
field can also be removed or set to"str"
{ ... "values": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "x-anonymize-operation": "split_anonymize_and_join", "x-anonymize-args": [{ "separator": ";", "function": "encrypt" }] } ... }
{ ... "values": "1234567; 2345678; 3456789", ... }
{ ... "values": "Zh7hpRitlY7ANahH3RDk7w==;dv4JkGA296U9MsDSc8FEFg==;HfpGShe3O0Q2wJRAVrz0XQ==", ... }
apply_function_on_field_in_json_string(field_value, anonymize_args)
Return a string representation of a json object after applying a function to one of its fields. In case the operation to perform on the field requires a different data type than string (e.g. round_float) also add a "cast_element_to" field to the schema (just like in example 1 of the split_anonymize_and_join operator).Example: Remove the id from the "content_type". Be aware that the value of the "values" field is actually a string containing a json object.
{ ... "values": { "type": [ "string", "null" ], "x-anonymize-operation": "apply_function_on_field_in_json_string", "x-anonymize-args": [{ "target_field": "content_type", "function": "replace_regex_matches_with_string", "function_args": ["group.*", "group"] }] } ... }
{ ... "event_id": "user", "values": "{\"time_frame\": \"this_month\", \"content_type\": \"group_75127213-5840-41d0-b96b-e3f6c63c0ec1\"}" ... }
{ ... "event_id": "user", "values": "{\"time_frame\": \"this_month\", \"content_type\": \"group\"}" ... }
Serialize the field :field_value to JSON string. IMPORTANT: Don't use it if field_value contains PII. -
Return the length of :field_value (string/array).