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palmskog authored Dec 23, 2021
1 parent 9db9a97 commit c0e50b8
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Showing 43 changed files with 3,930 additions and 3,519 deletions.
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions _CoqProject
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@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-Q theories/VLSM VLSM

-arg -w -arg -deprecated-hint-without-locality

Expand All @@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ theories/VLSM/Core/VLSM.v
Expand Down
132 changes: 66 additions & 66 deletions theories/VLSM/Core/ByzantineTraces.v
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
From stdpp Require Import prelude.
From Coq Require Import FinFun.
From VLSM Require Import Lib.Preamble Core.VLSM Core.VLSMProjections Core.Composition Core.ProjectionTraces Core.Validating.
From VLSM Require Import Lib.Preamble Core.VLSM Core.VLSMProjections Core.Composition Core.ProjectionTraces Core.Validator.

(** * VLSM Byzantine Traces
Expand All @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ and equivalent with traces on the corresponding pre-loaded VLSM
Note that, contrary to what one might think, the [byzantine_trace_prop]erty
does not only capture traces exhibiting byzantine behavior, but also all
[protocol_trace]s (consequence of Lemma [vlsm_incl_pre_loaded_with_all_messages_vlsm]).
[valid_trace]s (consequence of Lemma [vlsm_incl_pre_loaded_with_all_messages_vlsm]).
Therefore to avoid confusion we will call _proper byzantine traces_,
or _traces exhibiting byzantine behavior_ the collection of traces with
the [byzantine_trace_prop]erty but without the [protocol_trace_prop]erty.
the [byzantine_trace_prop]erty but without the [valid_trace_prop]erty.
In the remainder of this section, we fix a (regular) VLSM <<M>> with
signature <<S>> and of type <<T>>.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Definition byzantine_trace_prop
(tr : vTrace M) :=
exists (M' : VLSM message)
(Proj := binary_free_composition_fst M M'),
protocol_trace_prop Proj tr.
valid_trace_prop Proj tr.

Expand All @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Lemma byzantine_pre_loaded_with_all_messages
(PreLoaded := pre_loaded_with_all_messages_vlsm M)
(tr : vTrace M)
(Hbyz : byzantine_trace_prop tr)
: protocol_trace_prop PreLoaded tr.
: valid_trace_prop PreLoaded tr.
destruct Hbyz as [M' Htr].
simpl in Htr.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Definition alternate_byzantine_trace_prop
(tr : vTrace M)
(Proj := binary_free_composition_fst M emit_any_message_vlsm)
protocol_trace_prop Proj tr.
valid_trace_prop Proj tr.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ equivalent to the [byzantine_trace_prop]erty.
Since we have already proven that the [alternate_byzantine_trace_prop]erty
implies the [byzantine_trace_prop]erty (Lemma [byzantine_alt_byzantine]),
and since we know that the traces with the [byzantine_trace_prop]erty
are [protocol_trace]s for the [pre_loaded_with_all_messages_vlsm], to prove the
are [valid_trace]s for the [pre_loaded_with_all_messages_vlsm], to prove the
equivalence it is enough to close the circle by proving the
[VLSM_incl]usion between the [pre_loaded_with_all_messages_vlsm] and the projection VLSM used
in the definition of the [alternate_byzantine_trace_prop]erty.
Expand All @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ of <<Alt1>> into <<Preloaded>>
Lemma alt_pre_loaded_with_all_messages_incl
: VLSM_incl Alt1 PreLoaded.
intros t Hpt.
intros t Hvt.
apply byzantine_pre_loaded_with_all_messages.
apply byzantine_alt_byzantine.
Expand All @@ -219,29 +219,29 @@ of <<Alt1>> into <<Preloaded>>
To prove the reverse inclusion (between <<PreLoaded>> and <<Alt1>>) we will use the
[basic_VLSM_incl] meta-result about proving inclusions bewteen
VLSMs which states that
- if all [valid] messages in the first are [protocol_message]s in the second, and
- if all [protocol_state]s in the first are also [protocol_state]s in the second,
- and if all [protocol_transition]s in the first are also [protocol_transition]s
- if all [valid] messages in the first are [valid_message]s in the second, and
- if all [valid_state]s in the first are also [valid_state]s in the second,
- and if all [input_valid_transition]s in the first are also [input_valid_transition]s
in the second,
- then the first VLSM is included in the second.
We will tackle each of these properties in the sequel.
First note that _all_ messages are [protocol_message]s for <<Alt>>, as
First note that _all_ messages are [valid_message]s for <<Alt>>, as
[emit_any_message_vlsm] can generate any message without changing state.

Lemma alt_option_protocol_message
Lemma alt_option_valid_message
(om : option message)
: option_protocol_message_prop Alt om.
: option_valid_message_prop Alt om.
destruct om as [m|];[|apply option_protocol_message_None].
destruct om as [m|];[|apply option_valid_message_None].
pose (s :=proj1_sig (vs0 Alt): vstate Alt).
unfold vstate in s.
exists s.
assert (protocol_prop Alt s None) as Hs
by (apply protocol_initial_state;apply proj2_sig).
eapply (protocol_generated Alt) with s None s None (existT second _)
assert (valid_state_message_prop Alt s None) as Hs
by (apply valid_initial_state;apply proj2_sig).
eapply (valid_generated_state_message Alt) with s None s None (existT second _)
;[assumption|assumption|split; exact I|].
simpl. f_equal.
rewrite state_update_id; reflexivity.
Expand All @@ -251,12 +251,12 @@ First note that _all_ messages are [protocol_message]s for <<Alt>>, as
Using the above, it is straight-forward to show that:

Lemma alt_proj_option_protocol_message
Lemma alt_proj_option_valid_message
(m : option message)
: option_protocol_message_prop Alt1 m.
: option_valid_message_prop Alt1 m.
apply protocol_message_projection.
apply alt_option_protocol_message.
apply valid_message_projection.
apply alt_option_valid_message.

Expand All @@ -271,24 +271,24 @@ by simply setting to <<s>> the corresponding component of the initial
(binary_IM M emit_any_message_vlsm) first s.

Lifting a [protocol_state] of <<PreLoaded>> we obtain a [protocol_state] of <<Alt>>.
Lifting a [valid_state] of <<PreLoaded>> we obtain a [valid_state] of <<Alt>>.
Lemma preloaded_alt_protocol_state
Lemma preloaded_alt_valid_state
(sj : state)
(om : option message)
(Hp : protocol_prop PreLoaded sj om)
: protocol_state_prop Alt (lifted_alt_state sj).
(Hp : valid_state_message_prop PreLoaded sj om)
: valid_state_prop Alt (lifted_alt_state sj).
assert (protocol_state_prop PreLoaded sj) as Hsj
assert (valid_state_prop PreLoaded sj) as Hsj
by (exists om;assumption);clear Hp.
induction Hsj using protocol_state_prop_ind.
- apply initial_is_protocol.
induction Hsj using valid_state_prop_ind.
- apply initial_state_is_valid.
intros [];[exact Hs|exact I].
- exists om'.
assert (option_protocol_message_prop Alt om0) as Hom0
by apply alt_option_protocol_message.
cut (protocol_transition Alt (existT first l) (lifted_alt_state s,om0) (lifted_alt_state s', om'))
;[apply protocol_prop_transition_out|].
assert (option_valid_message_prop Alt om0) as Hom0
by apply alt_option_valid_message.
cut (input_valid_transition Alt (existT first l) (lifted_alt_state s,om0) (lifted_alt_state s', om'))
;[apply input_valid_transition_outputs_valid_state_message|].
* split;[assumption|].
Expand All @@ -315,13 +315,13 @@ results above to show that <<Preloaded>> is included in <<Alt1>>.
apply (basic_VLSM_incl (machine PreLoaded) (machine Alt1))
; intro; intros; [assumption| | |apply H].
- apply alt_proj_option_protocol_message.
- apply alt_proj_option_valid_message.
- exists (lifted_alt_state s).
split; [reflexivity|].
destruct Hv as [[_om Hps] [Hpm Hv]].
repeat split.
+ apply preloaded_alt_protocol_state with _om; assumption.
+ apply alt_option_protocol_message.
+ apply preloaded_alt_valid_state with _om; assumption.
+ apply alt_option_valid_message.
+ assumption.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,24 +359,24 @@ End ByzantineTraces.

(** ** Byzantine fault tolerance for a single validator
Given that projections of validating VLSMs are equal to their corresponding
Given that projections of composition of validator VLSMs are equal to their corresponding
pre-loaded with all messages VLSM ([pre_loaded_with_all_messages_validating_proj_eq]),
we can derive that for validating VLSMs, all their byzantine traces are
included in the [protocol_trace]s of their projection from the composition.
we can derive that for validators, all their byzantine traces are
included in the [valid_trace]s of their projection from the composition.
Lemma validating_component_byzantine_fault_tolerance
Lemma validator_component_byzantine_fault_tolerance
message `{EqDecision index}
(IM : index -> VLSM message)
(constraint : composite_label IM -> composite_state IM * option message -> Prop)
(i : index)
(Hvalidating: validating_projection_prop IM constraint i)
(Hvalidator: projection_validator_prop IM constraint i)
: forall tr, byzantine_trace_prop (IM i) tr ->
protocol_trace_prop (composite_vlsm_constrained_projection IM constraint i) tr.
valid_trace_prop (composite_vlsm_constrained_projection IM constraint i) tr.
intros tr Htr.
(pre_loaded_with_all_messages_validating_proj_incl _ _ _ Hvalidating)).
(pre_loaded_with_all_messages_validator_proj_incl _ _ _ Hvalidator)).
revert Htr.
apply byzantine_pre_loaded_with_all_messages.
Expand All @@ -385,11 +385,11 @@ Qed.
(** ** Byzantine fault tolerance for a composition of validators
In this section we show that if all components of a composite VLSM <<X>> have
the [validating_projection_prop]erty, then its byzantine traces (that is,
the [projection_validator_prop]erty, then its byzantine traces (that is,
traces obtained upon placing this composition in any, possibly adversarial,
context) are [protocol_traces] of <<X>>.
context) are [valid_trace]s of <<X>>.
Section composite_validating_byzantine_traces.
Section composite_validator_byzantine_traces.

Context {message : Type}
{index : Type}
Expand All @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ Section composite_validating_byzantine_traces.
(X := composite_vlsm IM constraint)
(PreLoadedX := pre_loaded_with_all_messages_vlsm X)
(FreeX := free_composite_vlsm IM)
(Hvalidating: forall i : index, validating_projection_prop IM constraint i)
(Hvalidator: forall i : index, projection_validator_prop IM constraint i)

Expand All @@ -412,58 +412,58 @@ of <<X>>, we just need to show that <<PreLoadedX>> is
included in <<X>> to prove our main result.
Lemma validating_pre_loaded_with_all_messages_incl
Lemma validator_pre_loaded_with_all_messages_incl
: VLSM_incl PreLoadedX X.
apply VLSM_incl_finite_traces_characterization.
split; [|apply H].
destruct H as [Htr Hs].
induction Htr using finite_protocol_trace_from_rev_ind.
- apply (finite_ptrace_empty X).
apply initial_is_protocol; assumption.
induction Htr using finite_valid_trace_from_rev_ind.
- apply (finite_valid_trace_from_empty X).
apply initial_state_is_valid; assumption.
- specialize (IHHtr Hs) as IHtr; clear IHHtr.
apply (extend_right_finite_trace_from X).
destruct Hx as [Hvx Htx].
split; [|assumption].
apply finite_ptrace_last_pstate in IHtr.
apply finite_valid_trace_last_pstate in IHtr.
simpl in *.
match type of IHtr with
| protocol_state_prop _ ?s => remember s as lst
| valid_state_prop _ ?s => remember s as lst
split; [assumption|].
repeat split; [|apply Hvx|apply Hvx].
destruct Hvx as [Hlst [_ [Hv _]]].
destruct l as (i, li). simpl in *.
specialize (protocol_state_project_preloaded_to_preloaded _ IM constraint lst i Hlst)
specialize (valid_state_project_preloaded_to_preloaded _ IM constraint lst i Hlst)
as Hlsti.
assert (Hpv : protocol_valid (pre_loaded_with_all_messages_vlsm (IM i)) li (lst i, iom)).
assert (Hiv : input_valid (pre_loaded_with_all_messages_vlsm (IM i)) li (lst i, iom)).
{ split; [assumption|]. split; [|assumption].
eexists _. apply (pre_loaded_with_all_messages_message_protocol_prop (IM i)).
eexists _. apply (pre_loaded_with_all_messages_message_valid_initial_state_message (IM i)).
apply Hvalidating in Hpv.
clear -Hpv.
destruct Hpv as [_ [_ [_ [Hinput _]]]].
apply Hvalidator in Hiv.
clear -Hiv.
destruct Hiv as [_ [_ [_ [Hinput _]]]].
destruct Hinput as [s Hinput].
exists s.
revert Hinput.
apply (constraint_subsumption_protocol_prop IM constraint).
apply (constraint_subsumption_valid_state_message_preservation IM constraint).
intro. intros. destruct som. apply H.

Finally, we can conclude that a composition of validating components can
Finally, we can conclude that a composition of validator components can
resist any kind of external influence:
Lemma composite_validating_byzantine_traces_are_not_byzantine
Lemma composite_validator_byzantine_traces_are_not_byzantine
(tr : vTrace X)
(Hbyz : byzantine_trace_prop X tr)
: protocol_trace_prop X tr.
: valid_trace_prop X tr.
apply validating_pre_loaded_with_all_messages_incl.
apply validator_pre_loaded_with_all_messages_incl.
apply alt_pre_loaded_with_all_messages_incl.
apply byzantine_alt_byzantine_iff.
End composite_validating_byzantine_traces.
End composite_validator_byzantine_traces.

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