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K8s/app-log (#465) #476

K8s/app-log (#465)

K8s/app-log (#465) #476

# name: Check CodeBundle Discussions
# on:
# push:
# branches:
# - main
# jobs:
# check-discussions-on-main:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout repository
# uses: actions/checkout@v2
# with:
# ref: ${{ github.ref }}
# - name: Check if codebundle discussion exists
# id: find_and_create_codebundle_discussions
# run: |
# codebundles=$(find codebundles -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec basename {} \; | grep -v "codebundles")
# echo "Found codebundles: $codebundles"
# echo "Searching discussions..."
# # Read the queries from separate files
# search_discussions_query=$(cat .github/queries/searchDiscussions.graphql | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/"/\\\"/g')
# create_discussion_query=$(cat .github/queries/createDiscussion.graphql | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/"/\\\"/g')
# add_comment_query=$(cat .github/queries/addDiscussionComment.graphql | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/"/\\\"/g')
# get_comments_query=$(cat .github/queries/getComments.graphql | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/"/\\\"/g')
# # Temp for cleanup of messes
# delete=false
# delete_discusssion_query=$(cat .github/queries/deleteDiscussion.graphql | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/"/\\\"/g')
# # codebundles=test
# # Perform the searchDiscussions query
# search_response=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $GH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"query\": \"$search_discussions_query\", \"variables\": {\"searchQuery\": \"org:runwhen-contrib\"}}"
# discussion_nodes=$(echo "$search_response" | jq -r '[[].node.discussions.nodes[] | select(.title != null) | { id, title }] | { items: . }')
# declare -A found_map
# for codebundle in $codebundles; do
# found=false
# while IFS= read -r discussion_node; do
# node_codebundle=$(jq -r '.title' <<< "$discussion_node")
# discussion_id=$(jq -r '.id' <<< "$discussion_node")
# if [[ "$codebundle" == "$node_codebundle" ]]; then
# found=true
# echo "Discussion found for $codebundle with ID: $discussion_id"
# if [[ "$delete" == "true" ]]; then
# curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $GH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"query\": \"$delete_discusssion_query\", \"variables\": {\"discussion_id\": \"$discussion_id\" }}"
# fi
# break
# fi
# done < <(jq -c '.items[]' <<< "$discussion_nodes")
# found_map["$codebundle"]=$found
# done
# # Process the found_map after the loop
# for codebundle in $codebundles; do
# found=${found_map["$codebundle"]}
# if [[ "$delete" != "true" ]] && ! $found ; then
# echo "No matching discussion found for $codebundle"
# echo "Creating new discussion for $codebundle"
# discussion_title=$codebundle
# # Troubleshooting Commands Category
# category_id="DIC_kwDOJo2Id84CXeeV"
# # The repository_id that we need to use
# repo_id="R_kgDOJo2Idw"
# discussion_body="🌟Welcome to the community discussion for the troubleshooting commands defined in: [$codebundle]($codebundle) \n\n🌱This discussion is intended to help grow the community\n🛠️Together, let's enhance the usefulness of these troubleshooting commands\n🙌 Your participation is crucial! Share your valuable comments and questions here, and don't forget to give a thumbs up if you find the commands helpful and utilize them in your work."
# curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $GH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"query\": \"$create_discussion_query\", \"variables\": {\"repo_id\": \"$repo_id\", \"codebundle\": \"$codebundle\",\"discussion_body\": \"$discussion_body\", \"category_id\": \"$category_id\"}}"
# fi
# done
# env:
# GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PAT }}