Conduit is a fullstack blogging application. This was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with ASP.NET Core (with feature orientation) including CRUD operations, authentication, routing and pagination.
You can find the frontend project for Conduit at
- PostgreSql
- AutoMapper: Enables mapping of Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) to Domain Models.
- Entity Framework: Used for object-relational mapping (ORM) to interact with the database.
- JWT Authentication: Implements JSON Web Token (JWT) for user authentication and authorization.
- Swagger: Provides an interactive API documentation and exploration interface.
- Unique Generated Slugs: Each article in the Conduit API is assigned a unique generated slug. Slugs provide human-readable and SEO-friendly URLs for articles.
- Pagination Support: The API supports pagination by utilizing the limit and offset parameters. These parameters allow you to retrieve a specific number of records (limit) starting from a given position (offset).
To clone and run this application, you'll need git, dotnet cli and postgresql installed on your computer. From your command line:
# clone this repository
$ git clone
# install dependencies
$ dotnet restore
# perform migrations
$ dotnet ef --startup-project Conduit.Api/Conduit.Api.csproj database update
# run api
$ cd Conduit.Api
$ dotnet watch
# open https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html on broswer