This - currently - is a command line application that lists all your tags and the notebooks and pages where they live.
I'm a heavy Remarkable tags user, with 60+ tags. Problem is that in the page tag picker in landscape mode the Remarkable doesn't display more than 30 some odd, and in portrait orientation will display about 50-60.
But, not enough.
Thankfully the Remarkable's Tags Menu option will display as many tags as I have, by sacrificing page display space, but will not allow you to edit a page's tags from there.
Yes, since writing this utility they've gained tag support
I want a list of all my tags, and notebook names and page numbers, on the desktop, to work around the above two constraints.
You can use Slithin to transfer your files to your computer
First: Synchronize your Remarkable with your computer and note where Slithin stores the folder (probably in your Documents folder, which may or may not be on your OneDrive).
Second: (and I hope to get binary releases soon): build this app. If you have the DotNET SDK installed you should be able to dotnet build
. Since .NET Core is everywhere this should work on MacOS X and Linux too.
The binary is now found in bin/Debug/net7.0/
Third: Run the application: tags_explorer
. It takes a single argument: the path to the Notebooks folder Slithin saved for you
Example: .\tags_explorer.exe "C:\Users\rwilcox\OneDrive\Documents\Slithin\Devices\Mine\Notebooks"
You can also use scp
. An example command is:
First: Syncronize your Remarkable with your computer via this shell command (or a variant)
scp -r root@$REMARKABLE_IP_ADDRESS:~/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/ ~/Documents/Remarkable_Backup/
Second: (same as above)
Third: Run the application, except the argument is the location you saved your files to, ie: tags_explorer ~/Documents/Remarkable_Backup/xochitl/
The results of the program should be something like this!
Count of tags: 4
* Inboz page 13
* Inboz page 15
* Dev Synthesis page 1
* Future blog posts page 8
* Inboz page 13
* Mini Projects page 37
* Future blog posts page 9
* Future blog posts page 11
* Finances page 21
* Mini Projects page 7
While I'm relatively experienced in other languages, this is my first from scratch .NET project! I like that the Remarkable desktop tools community uses C# a lot, so I wrote this in C# to hope to reuse some of what others have written, or incorporate parts of this into their projects.
The compiler / runtime will spit a lot of warnings at you! The compiler can't check the null safety of some of my code, but it seems to work for me!
Ideally here's the checklist of things I want to do. But I might never!:
- hook up CI (CircleCI?) to build and push Github releases for major OSes
- Hook a UI up to it?? Even just an outline view?
- ... if I have the page uuids and have gone through all this work already, can I let people title their pages, even if it's just in my software? The UUID that's currently page 13 of the Inboz, can we associate a more descriptive name with it?