I developed this project to demonstrate the real-time awesomeness of Firebase.
You can see it in action at https://javascript-poll-demo.firebaseapp.com
Please feel free to download and play. You'll need a (free) account at Firebase to run your own version of this demo.
- Install Node.js
- on OSX use homebrew
brew install node
- on Windows use chocolatey
choco install nodejs
Install these NPM packages globally
npm install -g bower gulp nodemon`
Refer to these instructions on how to not require sudo
Clone this project
git clone https://github.com/rwillmer/firebase-javascript-poll-demo
cd firebase-javascript-poll-demo npm install
Create an account and an app at Firebase
Setup your Firebase instance
Edit src/client/app/angularfire/angularfire.config.js to set your Firebase instance details.
Edit src/client/app/core/config.js to change the title. app/dashboard/dashboard.controller.js app/poll/poll.route.js
Run Locally
gulp serve-dev
Run at Firebase
npm install -g firebase-tools gulp build firebase init firebase deploy
The gulp file and src layout was based on a previous project generated using John Papa's HotTowel project @john_papa.
If you're looking for an Opinionated Style Guide to figure out how to construct an AngularJS project, I recommend John Papa's "Opinionated Style Guide"