- Development:
- Sublime Text
- MacDown
- ImageOptim
Using github on multidisciplinary teams
Waffle - for Issue Managment
For every Push:
git add -A
git commit -m “insert message here"
git push origin branch-name
Collaborating on a Project:
git checkout -b branch-name
- Makes your own branch for the first push
git checkout ryan-branch
- Change branch in CLI
git branch
- Looks at branch - tells you what branch your own)
git pull upstream master
- Don't remember what this means
git push origin branch-name
- Pushes the local "origin" code to branch
git fetch --all
- Making sure you code is the same as the )
Git emojis
Smart Transitions in User Expereince Design
Improve the Payment expereince with Animations
Science of Web Animations: SPA
Improve UX Through Front-End Performance
Keep Users updated udring long load times
How to integrate waiting time user expereince
Constructing the Object Model - Performance
CSS3 Animations vs Transitions
Undersatnding CSS Timing Functions
ThoughtBot's collection of Open Source Tools
Marketers Guide to Developing a Strong Brand
Package Control
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Highlight the property you want and Press-D to change all attributes on the page
UI Animation and UX Friendship
Reframing Accessibility for the web
How Users Really Perceive Interfaces: Psychological and Biological Approach to User Interfaces.
Neuroscience Page Speed Web Performance
COPE - Create one, Publish Everywhere
These are the book I recommend to anyone who is interesting in learning UX processes. They are in order from what I would say is most important to least.
This is Service Design Thinking- This book is a great primer to what service design is and the tools that they use. This taught me a lot about user research and how to design for things that are not tangible.
[Designing for the digital age-] (http://www.amazon.com/Designing-Digital-Age-Human-Centered-Products/dp/0470229101/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1418961284&sr=1-1&keywords=designing+for+the+digital+age&pebp=1418961286348) Amazing book very dense and a long read but it was the first book I read about designing for interaction and products. It shows how the product design world is structured.
Designing Interface- Goes though everything interface in detail.
How to Make Sense of Any Mess Amazing book about information architecture
[Don’t Make me Think-] (http://www.amazon.com/Dont-Make-Think-Revisited-Usability/dp/0321965515/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1418961361&sr=1-1&keywords=don%27t+make+me+think&pebp=1418961362533) Great book about designing intuitive interaction and information design
[101 design methods-] (http://www.amazon.com/101-Design-Methods-Structured-Organization/dp/1118083466/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1418961312&sr=1-1&keywords=101+design+methods&pebp=1418961313509) Real good methods for design thinking
MicroInteractions - Great quick read about designing very very small interactions.
Service Design- This is another great book about service design. Very similar to the “This is service design thinking"
Human Centered Design- Interesting book about human centered design concept.