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Calum Crawford edited this page Apr 5, 2023 · 14 revisions

VimDevIcons - Adds Icons to Your Plugins

Detailed Installation

Step 1 Nerd Font

Get a Nerd Font! or patch your own. Without this, things break

Step 2 VimDevIcons Plugin

Set VimDevIcons to load after these plugins!

NERDTree | vim-airline | CtrlP | powerline | Denite | unite | lightline.vim | vim-startify | vimfiler | flagship

Choose your favorite plugin manager

  • git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-devicons
  • Add to vimrc:

    NeoBundle 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
  • And install it:

    :so ~/.vimrc
  • Add to vimrc:

    Plugin 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
  • And install it:

    :so ~/.vimrc
  • Add to your call plug#end():

    Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
  • And install it:

    :so ~/.vimrc


  • copy all of the files into your ~/.vim directory

Step 3 Configure Vim

Add the following in your .vimrc or .gvimrc:

Set Encoding

Set encoding to UTF-8 to show glyphs

set encoding=utf8

Set Font

Set Vim font to a Nerd Font


set guifont=<FONT_NAME> <FONT_SIZE>
set guifont=DroidSansMono\ Nerd\ Font\ 11

macOS (OS X) and Windows

set guifont=<FONT_NAME>:h<FONT_SIZE>
set guifont=DroidSansMono\ Nerd\ Font:h11
" or:
set guifont=DroidSansMono_Nerd_Font:h11

Note: if you don't set guifont then you'll have to set your terminal's font, else things break!


If you use vim-airline you need this:

let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1

vimrc examples

That's it! You're done. ✅