- Brief DirectX notes
- Game Engine development notes
The project is just learning materials, which tries very hard to bring learning instruction, the source code itself and the compilation results all together in coding environment in easy language which results in experiencing more joy while learning DirectX.
Git: | git clone git@github.com:s-mehrdad/DirectXIntroduction.git | git clone git@ssh.dev.azure.com:v3/BirdSofts/DirectXIntroduction/DirectXIntroduction |
Installation process: Compile and run the application.
Software dependencies:
Dependent on Windows APIs |
Dependent on Dirext3D, DXGI, DirectXMath, Direct2D and DirectWrite APIs |
Dependent on Lua and Sol script language APIs |
Latest releases: Source code is released and can be compiled.
API references Windows and DirectX APIs.
If you are a beginner, use Visual Studio or know what you are doing. Compile using CMake.
Cmake: | cmake --build build-path |
I appreciate any contribution from anyone, who sees that the project deserves his precious time. This repository is archived and by it read only.
Raster Tek |
Microsoft Docs |
bell0bytes |
cplusplus.com |
cppreference.com |
Braynzar Soft |
Refer to license file provided within SOFTWARE itself.