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OpenBrewage is a Scratch Project addon that comes in the form of a sprite. It's built to give you features and customizability of said features within the Scratch Editor itself, all in one neat bundled sprite.
It's relatively simple to install OpenBrewage.
- Download the .sb3 file from the Releases tab on the GitHub Repository or just click here.
- Open the .sb3 file in your preferred Scratch Editor
- Right Click on the BREWAGE_STAT sprite in the library and click export.
- Open your project that you would like to install OpenBrewage to
- Hover over the "add a sprite" menu, and in the list of options, click on "upload sprite".
- (optional) Open the Sprite on the Scratch Editor Library and edit some of the options on the code (noted in the sticky notes).
Currently, as of v1.1 OpenBrewage can do the following:
- Nice and big FPS counter on the top-left of your screen, with customizable features to accommodate for the project you're using.
Thanks to:
- TurboWarp Packager - HTML5 conversion for index page
- Scratch 3 - index page engine and of course the main reason this repo exists.
- Griffpatch - Number renderer
- Scratch Wiki - FPS Logic code
- s-zenmode - messing with the number renderer, making the module, and making openbrewage (lol)
Credit OpenBrewage when using it in projects.