The organization and a lot of scripts were stolen from
Install developer tools (clone https:// URL prompted me)
Run git clone again
manually install homebrew by running the line in script/boostrap
Manually brew install 1Password
Scan code from phone code
brew install gnupg
gpg --import --allow-secret-key-import private-key.txt # downloaded from 1Password
gpg --import public-key.txt # downloaded from 1Password
brew install git-crypt
Had to restart Google Chrome (already installed by IT) for 1Password to work
Needed to use SMS for 2FA for 2u Google
git crypt unlock (working directory needed to be clean, needed to git reset --hard from failed git submodule update)
Install Nix multi-user:
sh <(curl -L --daemon
Install nix-darwin: `nix-build -I darwin-config=macbook.nix -I nixpkgs
Run ssh/ works!
chsh -s /run/current-system/sw/bin/zsh
Switch remote to ('cause we now have SSH).
Found no ~/src/data, reran git/ by itself. "authenticity of host ' (nn.nn." from SSH!) Why?
java wasn’t installed, but cask thoght it was. brew cask reinstall java worked.
1p, needed to "Enable integration with 3rd Party Apps", then in Alfred, click around to get that stuff back.
Install developer tools (xcode-select --install)
Install nix
Install homebrew
brew cask install 1password
Unlock 1password with camera from phone
Download gpg key
Download RSA key
eval $(ssh-agent)
ssh-add /path/to/RSA-key
git clone
nix-env -i gnupg
nix-env -i git-crypt
gpg --import /path/to/gpg.key
git crypt unlock
git submodule init
git submodule update
Update $NIX_PATH
nix-build ./nix-darwin -A system
printf run\tprivate/var/run\n |sudo tee -a /etc/synthetic.conf
/System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/Contents/Resources/apfs.util -B
sudo rm /etc/shells /etc/nix/nix.conf
sudo mv /etc/bashrc{,.orig}
sudo mv /etc/zshrc{,.orig}
./result/sw/bin/darwin-rebuild switch
chsh -s /run/current-system/sw/bin/zsh
Pair headphones
Pair AirPods
nix-env -e gnupg
nix-env -e git-crypt
Change laptop display UUID in yabai-config
Log out then in
VPN signin, then change password back
op signin
sudo chown -R 755 /usr/local/share/zsh # Remove compinit warnings
Create "Focus" space manually
Add fingerprints
Enable Switch to Desktop N key shortcuts in Keyboard preferences Mission Control item
Install NixOS with WPA config
nix-env -i kakoune git gnupg
git clone dotfiles
Set programs.gnupg.agent.enable = true; nixos-rebuild switch (pinentry problem)
reboot, because the above doesn’t appear to fix it
Set programs.gnupg.agent.pinentryFlavor and enableExtraSocket (not sure which)
Lots of systemctl --user restart gpg-agent
git crypt unlock — works!!